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1/72 Super Etendard - Argentinian Armada (Falklands)


Well-known member
Dug this kit out of the stash awhile back for another build, but ended up having to shelve it again due to decal condition. It unfortunately took awhile to find another set of decals. I did eventually find the set of Aztec decals, which took a while to arrive, but they did finally show up.

My work schedule does go haywire in a couple weeks though...which impacts the GB almost ever year, so we'll see.

I'm sorry, can't help myself.
Everytime I hear the name Falkland Islands I think of this.

:lol: :lol: :blink
I'm sorry, can't help myself.
Everytime I hear the name Falkland Islands I think of this.

:lol: :lol: :blink
When you got to da Falk'ln Islands, you gotta beware of da Fog. I'm tellin' ya. It gets Foggin' foggy! De uddah day, it was so foggin' foggy, you hadda cut da foggin' fog widda foggin' knife! It was dat foggin' foggy, you know what i'm sayin' to you?