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1/48 scale Bf 109's x 2

Give a kit like this to a very talented modeller and the inherent issues that came with it, just seem to melt away....

Thanks guys!

A small update on these two models, the propellers have been painted and assembled and the spiral has been added to the spinner of the K-4. Usually I like to paint these spirals but this time I used a decal.


Thanks once again Luiz.

Painting of the upper surfaces on the Me 109E has started.

The Matchbox painting instructions looked sketchy so I looked up the factory camouflage pattern for this aircraft and sure enough Matchbox was wrong, the correct pattern is Type 5 and that's what I am going with on this model.
As usual when I paint my models I paint the wings first and let them dry before painting the fuselage, doing this gives me a safe way of handling the model without any risk of getting fingerprints on wet paint.




Monday morning I had a surprise visitor, a much larger than usual spider was in my carport and just sitting there out in the open...the type of spider was a funnel web spider and they rarely go outside of their web so I thought it was in the process of dying. I ran and got my camera to get some snaps of it and needed to move the spider to a place with better lighting and used a broom to carefully move it and took some pictures and wanted to adjust the setting on my camera and after making the adjustment I looked down again and the spider was gone, a split second later I found the spider as it was starting to crawl on my shoe and very much alive. :eek:hmy: Since this type of spider can cause some harm to humans with its bite I killed it instead of moving it away from the house.



Can't comment on the 'spider incident' friend, but I can tell you that if you post that (completed) 109E on any site without specifying the manufacturer....
.....sure as sh*t nobody would believe you.

Excellent paintmanship. Simple as that.

Thanks once again Luiz.

Painting of the upper surfaces on the Me 109E has started.

The Matchbox painting instructions looked sketchy so I looked up the factory camouflage pattern for this aircraft and sure enough Matchbox was wrong, the correct pattern is Type 5 and that's what I am going with on this model.
As usual when I paint my models I paint the wings first and let them dry before painting the fuselage, doing this gives me a safe way of handling the model without any risk of getting fingerprints on wet paint.




Monday morning I had a surprise visitor, a much larger than usual spider was in my carport and just sitting there out in the open...the type of spider was a funnel web spider and they rarely go outside of their web so I thought it was in the process of dying. I ran and got my camera to get some snaps of it and needed to move the spider to a place with better lighting and used a broom to carefully move it and took some pictures and wanted to adjust the setting on my camera and after making the adjustment I looked down again and the spider was gone, a split second later I found the spider as it was starting to crawl on my shoe and very much alive. :eek:hmy: Since this type of spider can cause some harm to humans with its bite I killed it instead of moving it away from the house.




Nice paint job ..... Matchbox made any decent models or at least I'm not aware of any in 1/72.

Terribly ugly spider . Cant say I care for any spiders or snake . Best to keep us separated or someone's gonna die .

No point in leaving it to chance...

Cheers, Christian B)
YIKES!! That is one ugly spider man!

But the 109 is great. What's up with the white stripe on the spin? is this some shading adjustment?
Thanks for the comments on the painting.

The light colored streak on the fuselage spine is not part of the camo scheme, I had a few drops of paint left in the airbrush and sprayed the seams to check them.
Usually when I paint a model if I have any leftover paint I will use it for painting practice instead of just dumping it out, practice with using the airbrush is quite important and no matter your skill level practice painting will help.

And below are some snaps of the Me 109E after completion of the basic camouflage painting, I will be adding mottling to the fuselage sides and then mask off the rudder and lower engine cowl and paint them yellow.




The painting of the camouflage is finished on this model, next up will be doing some masking in preparation for painting the rudder and lower engine cowl yellow.

The person I am building this kit for wanted it to be put in the markings of Gallands Me 109E as supplied with the kit.
I did not have a photograph of this 109 of Galland's to look at, either it was not photographed very much or Matchbox made up some of the markings in this kit...since its such an old kit my guess is Matchbox bungled up the research on this one, I can't blame them really because there was not a lot of good information for them to use back in the 1970's so I had to rely on photographs of similar JG 26 Me 109E's to help with painting this model.
Many of the JG 26 109's during the B.O.B. had the sides of the fuselages sprayed with field applied mottles and I roughly sprayed on some mottles to mimic the field applied mottles...I almost hated to do this because the factory scheme of RLM 02 and RLM 71 over RLM 65 is so neat and clean looking. ;)
Anyway...here is what the model looks like now.




Thanks again Luiz. (y)

The yellow I.D. markings have been painted on.

You might notice the yellow is rather patchy looking and that's intentional. Many Me 109's (and Me 110's) used either yellow or white distemper paints during the B.o.B. for the I.D. markings and these paints were not very durable and would wear off quickly and this model was painted to try and copy that effect.
After masking off the areas needed a mottled finish of flat white was airbrushed on first and than the yellow was sprayed on also in a mottled pattern.
The yellow paint I used was RLM 04 with a tiny amount of red added to it, I did this because after reading a number of the eyewitness reports of downed Me 109's during the B.o.B. the yellow markings were sometimes described as orange in color and this could very possibly be because the yellow distemper paint was a deeper shade of yellow than the standard marking color of RLM 04. :idonno





Thanks again Luiz. (y)

The yellow I.D. markings have been painted on.

You might notice the yellow is rather patchy looking and that's intentional. Many Me 109's (and Me 110's) used either yellow or white distemper paints during the B.o.B. for the I.D. markings and these paints were not very durable and would wear off quickly and this model was painted to try and copy that effect.
After masking off the areas needed a mottled finish of flat white was airbrushed on first and than the yellow was sprayed on also in a mottled pattern.
The yellow paint I used was RLM 04 with a tiny amount of red added to it, I did this because after reading a number of the eyewitness reports of downed Me 109's during the B.o.B. the yellow markings were sometimes described as orange in color and this could very possibly be because the yellow distemper paint was a deeper shade of yellow than the standard marking color of RLM 04. :idonno

Interesting tidbits ....Thank you . Cheer, Christian B)




