Super Moderator

You guys remember my 1/700 "Three Mile Limit" display? The 90-footer from the Rum-runners and Smugglers set? Remember what a pain it was to put boobs on the 1/700 P/E figures to make reasonably endowed wimmin?
My very first tlarmodels.com customer made a request. He would like to see the 90' offshore powerboat in 1/350 scale. How could I refuse?

I had a short pour last night. Not quite enough resin for a full 1/350 WPB, so I just cast one of the lower hulls. in 1/350 scale, 90 feet is 3.0857 inches long.

Lengthen the lower hull. Put on the stern swim platform.
Lay up a whole bunch of .80 X.80 evergreen plastic.
Wet sand and shape. Here we go again!!
Teresa asked me why I didn't use my Dremel with a sanding drum to shape the Master. I held up my trusty "Wrecker" 120-grit
wet-sanding stick and said "With This, Mistakes happen a lot slower!
The new 90-foot boat is a bit beamier than her predecessor. I looked forward to a much roomier cockpit with comfy seating, a teak deck, hatch to the bow cabins/holds and lots of nautical widgets to see. The wood decking went well, even on the swim platform.
There would be trouble keeping water out of the generous, open cockpit in a big running swell. Teresa: "Install a windscreen?" Funny Kid!
This boat will sport a P/E windscreen. Unlike the 1/700 version, this one will have air intakes for the 3408 Cats in the supports for the wing spoiler. Exhausts exit under the swim platform astern.
Not so unlike your buddy's step-mom at a Margarita pool party, she'll be built for speed, broad in the beam, loud and will NOT leave much of anything to the imagination!
US Coast Guard pursuit vessels will include a center console RHI and a Defender 250 patrol boat.

At the end of this build session, I sacrificed some of the cockpit square footage (?!) to add the splash shield. I had to stop. I was trying to get ahead of myself. That's NEVER good!

Adding visible female parts to these figures should be MUCH less daunting!
P.S. Nevermind the Hemi.
Thanks again for looking in!