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My Obligatory Tiger I Project


Heavy Metal Modeling
Staff member
Way back in times long passed my very first 1/35 scale tank was the old Tamiya Tiger I, I was like 12 I think. Anywho...I stumbled across a rather kool painting of a disabled Tiger in a cemetery thought it was time to revisit the ol' Tiger I. And now a few years later I figured why not just get that idea rolling...so here we go...

Here is the inspiring painting. Obviously the artist didn't really know his tigers very well.

After much soul searching I landed on the RFM Mid-Production Tiger I with full interior.

This will be a diorama from the ground up therefore the first thing was to come up with a working Idea of how I wanted it to look. . I got 5000+ hours in Power-Point from my Air Force dayz so I put them skills to work.

Of course that plan is subject to change without notice. Next was to build a mock-up of the scene. I broke out the kit and accumulated aftermarket goodies, some foam and the foam cutter and set off to see how it would turn out.

I ended up with three options. Option A is according to the plan...

Option B. (Kinda of leaning toward this one for the moment)

Option C

I'll consider these options for the next week and then start shaping the ground once I pick which one I'll go with.

Thanks For Stopping By...:victory:
@errains, the photo of the model (doesn't seem to be a painting) is simply flipped horizontally. Note the MG port on the mantlet shows it to be mounted upside down. Here it is corrected:
View attachment 170810
Hey Saul, at first glance I thought the same(photo reversed) but the gun manlet is now around the wrong way, as is the tool mounting(axe) and jack block on the chassis top plate, which suggests that whoever built the model somehow either got the roof piece and layout around the wrong way (which seems impossible) or reversed the manlet and the tools on the top deck. Why?
The turret roof cannot be reversed for 2 reasons,
1. the shape is specific and non linear on a Tiger turret so the roof only fits one way.
2. all model companies mold the turret with the holes for the hatches in place, again it only fits one way.
3. the 5 track hangars only appear on the left side of the turret.
additional Chassis details in original photo -
4. Engine deck cover securing clamps for the fans are reversed and should be to the outside.
5. fixed Engine hatch hinge plate(central rear plate) with the fuel filler cap is around the wrong way.
So all up it is a total debacle, so must be a CGI model initially created for the artwork with everything wrong. My guess is they used a number of photos and reversed them seperately for convienience of creation without realising they were compromising the details.
A real weird one. o_O:unsure:
Hey Saul, at first glance I thought the same(photo reversed) but the gun manlet is now around the wrong way, as is the tool mounting(axe) and jack block on the chassis top plate, which suggests that whoever built the model somehow either got the roof piece and layout around the wrong way (which seems impossible) or reversed the manlet and the tools on the top deck. Why?
I simply see a carelessly built model with the mantlet upside down and tools reversed (probably had two pins which would allow mounting either way).

However, a reverse image source does prove it to be a completely digital project by Jiri (click to visit Art Station for full sized image):
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Nice detective work guys. Having walked many of old cemeteries with sunken ground, I think it's completely plausible it could be a tank trap.
Actually been hitting the bench hard this past weekend and made some good progress. Got the hole dug out then got the wheels sorted and attached. I'll being starting the interior and off again/on again assemble the tacks, which aren't to bad.



Dry run on the layout...

Thanks for stopping by! :victory:
Ok now this is hilarious… to me anyway. That book was by far my most favorite when I was but a wee squirt. Just something about the artwork I really liked. So thanks for sharing