Here's a treat! Ross' Aunt saved a leather jacket for him some years back. She said it was German and black. This turns out to be an original World War II Kriegsmarine jacket. Such was worn by U-boat and E/S Boat crewmen along with a pair of matching leather pants. The lining looked comfy and cozy, but not truly heavy enough for frosty North Atlantic operations. This garment fits Roscoe very much the same way it did when he was in High School. I wonder where he left the Zundapp his Aunt surely has squirreled away someplace.

Jose arrived after a little while, with a bevy of models! It seems our newest California transplant is another "Swiss Army Knife" of model making.

Nate and I are most interested in Jose's 1946 1/720 DKM Graf Zeppelin. Check out the air group! Me-262t, Do-335t, TA-152t with folded wings. A new idea, A Buzz-bomb launcher on the bow of the ship! The first surface to surface missile to be deployed in combat (in 1946).
His GZ's paint is well done, his PEE is straight and tidy. So often a truly talented Ship Guy drops the ball on the airplanes. These aircraft complement to the model. The only thing missing are the Skipper and crew. "The PEE guys are too flat." comments Jose.
I didn't mention any 1/700 wimmen-people.

Remember Starfix?! Those gawdawful airplane models made in Israel many moons ago? Trust your eyes, this is that D-Mustang!
Followed by a Roden 1/72 Float Pfalz, Monogram's 1/48 F4F-4 Wildcat, and Tamiya's 1/35 original tool Bundeswehr Leopard.

Sometime ago, Curt Young took his Volume 1, Number 1 Squadron Flyer from his collection to Kinko's and made 10 copies of the very first edition. He gave the copies to 10 of his fellows as a "blast from the past" gift. I never forgot how cool I thought that was.
So, when my first Flyer came from the new Squadron Hobbies, I gave it to Curt.
Curt is the most kind and gentile modeler I ever met. He takes me aside to tell me "Dirty Jokes" so Teresa won't hear such words come from him.
Curt works for the same church/retirement center his wife Tootie does. He uses no internet and doesn't have a smart phone.
I bet he read that new flyer from cover to cover at least twice during the meeting. His only comment was "Where is the order form?"
I advised him to call the phone number and chat with Brandon Lowe or his Dad, Russ to place his order and request a Flyer for his own address.
I am sure if an order form appears, Curt will use "Technology" and actually FAX his order to Ellijay, Georgia.
As an aside, We are still sweating out Greg and Maria Metge after Hurricane Ian made landfall, pretty much in their front yard.
Nikki Urbanek-Meister, pictured in a previous post, is also MIA in SW Florida. We mustn't borrow worry. Have a little Faith Baby. Have a little Faith.
Just for the fun of it!
Goodnight Missus Calabash. Wherever you are.