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Build log 1:32 Tamiya F-15C with lots of goodies

New build 1:32 Tamiya F-15C with lots of goodies

That's what you get from someone who's been up close and personal with these aircraft.

But the E model kit should be spot on huh? :pilot
New build 1:32 Tamiya F-15C with lots of goodies

I think this kit is going to be my Waterloo. As shown above, this kit has a number of issues with the accuracy of the kit, but I with the assistance of the above list, most of them have been overcome.

Finally, I have installed Wolfpack's awesome MSIP II update kit, which mostly consisted of photo-etch beef up plates on the exterior of the fuselage. Installing these plates over compound curves and surfaces was challenging, but I think the results will be worth it.

Either tonight or tomorrow I will spray the final primer and hopefully pre-shade this weekend.

Without further ado, I'll let the pictures do the talking.

Filling some inaccurate panel lines. You can see the panel lines on top of the wings were inaccurate as well so also filled. This relates to points 1 and 2 in my above post.

This is the line marked for JFS Chimney vent (point 2 in my above post) I subsequently drilled a hole approximately 4 scale inches in diameter and 12 scale inches in length.

These humps on the vertical stabilizers are hugely overemphasized.
As shown here; the humps are there, just not nearly as big as Tamiya molded them. You can also see the beef - up panel at the leading edge of the vertical stab in this picture.

This is the top panel with all the photo-etch material affixed. This kit is huge; the green mat is 8" long.

That's a profile shot. There has also been a lot of work on the bottom side of the aircraft, but apparently I didn't take any pictures of it last night.

Here's a bottom-ish shot showing some of my stash waiting in the wings. You can also see the schematics on the wall to give me inspiration.

As I said earlier I get to spray the final primer either tonight or tomorrow and hopefully have this sum'bitch base coated by the end of the weekend. But as all plans, these are subject to change.
New build 1:32 Tamiya F-15C with lots of goodies

Man that's going to be a lot of paint. She's sitting pretty though, one of my favorite airframes, Especially before they started sticking all those blisters on her side. :popcorn
New build 1:32 Tamiya F-15C with lots of goodies

Well then. My Christmas vacation was a write off at the bench, but I got to spend lots of time with the family; so that was great.

Several weeks ago I sprayed what I thought was my final primer. Apparently my body work skills aren't what I thought they were so there were a few *lots* of issues left to fix. I managed to work through them, and get most of my panel lines re-scribed and riveted.

Finally, last night I had a chance to pre-shade the airframe. The aircraft I'm depicting is 84-031, part of the Portland Air National Guard, and appears to be kept in great, clean shape so weathering will be kept to a minimum once it's all painted up. The only areas that will receive any real weathering will be the hinged control surfaces where grease always seems to escape and never be cleaned fully.

What you see below is two hours with my airbrush, less than one color - cup of paint and several breaks to stretch my hand is represented below. Before. Pre-shaded last night, I ran a quick sand with 1500 wet n dry to make sure the primer is smooth and played nice wth the soon to arrive aggressor paint.



In an ideal world, this is what she'll look like when (eventually) completed.


I've also recently purchased a set of updated resin wheels/tires from Bruce Radebaugh. All I can say is wow! Compared to other limited run resin products I'm using on this kit, the quality is amazing. It even rivals the quality of the Wolfpack resin I have. If you're interested, you can find them here:


I'll post actual pics on my next update.
New build 1:32 Tamiya F-15C with lots of goodies

Very tight preshade (y) (y)

That bird really looks strange without all the flight controls installed :blink

I don't remember ever seeing an F-15 that looked ratty ? Strange since the same people deigned the F-4's that generally looked rough the majority of the time.

Cheers, Christian B)
New build 1:32 Tamiya F-15C with lots of goodies

Excelent!... :coolio


Thanks Luiz, I can't wait to get some colour on there. It seems like the light is at the end of the tunnel.

Very nice control :popcorn


This is all I have to say in return:

Very tight preshade (y) (y)

That bird really looks strange without all the flight controls installed :blink

I don't remember ever seeing an F-15 that looked ratty ? Strange since the same people deigned the F-4's that generally looked rough the majority of the time.

Cheers, Christian B)

It's funny, with all the research I've been doing with this girl, I can immediately spot the difference between the Portland ANG and a Lakenheath Eagle. The English birds generally look much rougher. That said, I really want to build the Tamiya 1/32 Phantom next; after I build something OOB of course.
New build 1:32 Tamiya F-15C with lots of goodies

'scuse me while I whip this out....:rotf

you know you just opened a can of worms with that.

but...out of chaos comes order. :mpup
New build 1:32 Tamiya F-15C with lots of goodies

She's really looking sharp. I'm envious as I sit here cutting apart the Zero's wing for the float conversion - I wish the "body work" was closer to being done.
New build 1:32 Tamiya F-15C with lots of goodies

She's really looking sharp. I'm envious as I sit here cutting apart the Zero's wing for the float conversion - I wish the "body work" was closer to being done.

Thanks. It's taken a long time to get where I want to be. I don't know why we do this to ourselves; it's almost masochistic.
New build 1:32 Tamiya F-15C with lots of goodies


New build 1:32 Tamiya F-15C with lots of goodies

Looks very sharp. Nice work with the preshade, wish I could get that level of control.
New build 1:32 Tamiya F-15C with lots of goodies

Well. It's been a bit since I've gotten enough work to get an update together. Over the last month and a half I've had a few chances to steal away a few hours here and there; culminating with today's major milestone.

I have struggled with the aftermarket nozzles for quite a bit, but I think I've finally got them licked with the help of my new vernier calipers. The way they were assembled was with a mix of resin and modified Tamiya parts.


Here are the exhaust push rods. The longer one is from the box, and the shorter one has been modified to fit the corrected length aftermarket nozzles.


Here is an assembled nozzle, with only the priming and painting left to do.

After that was all said and done, I decided to prime the metallic part of the plane. I've heard nightmares when using alclad primers under metallic paints, so I wanted to allow lots of time for the primer to fully cure before painting. Masking the area took two hours one night. So much for a quick evenings work!

Here it is primed, and when I started masking for today's endeavours.


But before I could paint, I had to attach the wonderful updated Wolfpack LAU-128 missile pylons. The detail these things were cast with is nothing short of amazing.

You can see the originals vs the shorter updated versions here.


I assembled the original pylons at the beginning of the build, before I bough the update set. Unfortunately that meant I had to carefully remove the injection molded parts to make way for the resin. A harrowing hours work for sure.


PAINT. Real, actual, not primer or preparation paint! This was a big moment, and some of you may remember from earlier in the thread that I was dreading the paint selection for this mammoth beast. After a bunch of research I finally settled on Vallejo 71.050 for the main paint. This should replicate the actual paint with about a 15% fade from everything I gathered.

Needless to say I was excited to get here. All the body work has been done, all the tediousness is behind me and I can smell the end. It should only take three or four short years to complete from this stage.

Here we are, partway through. This kit is way to big to fit into my spray booth, so I had to make do by spraying in front of the booth.


And here we are after about an hour and a half of spray time. I tried pretty hard to not come tell eliminate the pre-shading, but as I've mentioned before, the airframe I'm building is pretty clean so weathering will be kept to the minimum for the most part. Once I figured it the Vallejo paints, I quite liked them too. I found straight from the bottle they were a little too thick for my spray pressure, but I thinned them out by about 10% and they went down very nicely. What I did learn though was they do not like being cleaned up with alcohol. I had to disassemble and degum my airbrush after I tried a quick clean with rubbing alcohol. Oops. Luckily no kits were harmed in the making of that error.




Tomorrow I hope to get the second colour don as well as the titanium rear section all sprayed up. Then, it's just a few days of curing before clear coat and then decals!

Thanks for taking the time to read my novel. As always constructive critique and comments are welcome!
New build 1:32 Tamiya F-15C with lots of goodies

Used AlcladII Primer? I had a bad batch of that black primer, took forever for it to cure. Latest batch I got is great, dries to the touch in short time.

Those rails look fantastic!

New build 1:32 Tamiya F-15C with lots of goodies

Looking good. Buiding large scale dffinitely brings out different chalenges .

Cheers, Christian B)
New build 1:32 Tamiya F-15C with lots of goodies

A bit of a non-update, but an important one for future reference seekers.

I (again) haven't been able to spend much time at the table with family vacations and such, but as I posted at the beginning of the month, I sprayed the Aggressor Gray (FS 36251). (Colour is not spelled incorrectly, I'm a Canuck!) Tonight, or over the next several days, I plan on spraying the Ocean Gray (FS36176).

The problem with the updated "Mod-Eagle" is that their paint is incredibly varied with how it shows up in photographs. As I haven't been lucky enough to stand beside an actual F-15 for almost 20 years, I have to rely heavily on Airliners.net for exterior research pictures. Therein lies the rub.

I am building F-15C 84-031, which has recently (since 2008) been assigned to Portland, and when researching the colours (!) i nearly drove myself mad. Then it finally dawned on me; this paint appears variable depending on the light source and angle as shown below.


I am using this picture to assist masking the Ocean Gray on the top fuselage, it looks very light

From the starboard side, she still looks fairly light.

Aww, I give up. The Ocean Gray is almost blue! (FYI, Gray is not spelled incorrectly either, it's Yankee Paint!)

So here's what I did. I went onto http://www.cybermodeler.com/aircraft/f-15/f-15_profile02.shtml and started to pull my hair out. For your information, that's not a luxury I really have at my disposal anymore. I finally decided on the following colours for the plane.

Vallejo 71.050 for the Aggressor Gray with 15% fade.
Vallejo 70.905 for the Ocean Gray with 15% scale fade.

I'm going to see how she looks once I've wrapped up the Ocean Gray, but I'm pretty satisfied with the first colour so far.

I welcome any suggestions or information on any better paint matches on this aircraft that I've already spent far too long building.