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Wreaking Havoc 5: A-20H-5-DO Miss Behaven


Information Overload
Staff member
Common items on the Havocs can be found here.

Found the PYNup Decals at a decent price and now I have the fifth (5th) Havoc!
I was seriously considering doing this one also, but as you know I asked about a different bird. Maybe watching your build will influence me to follow along.
The wings got some attention. OK, it is the top of the landing gear bays to be exact. The mounting holes were moved forward one quarter inch. The rear was removed and structural details added to the inside of the upper wing as it would be visible.

By the way, I am working on several Havocs at the same time so this post applies to all:
  1. A-20B Outhouse Mouse
  2. A-20G-1-DO Amorous Amazon
  3. A-20G-20-DO Jack's Hack or A-20G-35-DO Barracuda
  4. A-20G-35-DO Butch
  5. A-20H-5 Miss Behaven
Not seen here but performed; several control surfaces were removed to be replaced by the KMC resin replacements.
The control surfaces for all five are being worked on since I have two sets of Kendall Model Company's (KMC's) replacements:

A-20G 48 Control Surfaces.JPG
A-20G 48 Horizontal Control Surfaces.JPG
A-20G 48 Vertical Control Surfaces.JPG
Some of the references being used, more not shown yet (like some Czech magazines):

Name of my series...
Wreaking Havoc.JPG

Who doesn't love Don Greer's paintings?
Squadron 56 A-20 in Action.JPG
Squadron 144 A-20 in Action.JPG

Wings and Airpower, newsstand favorites, with TBiU (aka Polish Profiles):
Magazines and TBiU.JPG

Excellent book... Not as complete as the other one I posted.
Crowood A-20.JPG

AJ Press with their well done scale plans:
AJPress A-20.JPG
Working on getting some interior details corrected. Upper fuselage is from the A-20B after sanding the inside so pencil lines show while I sprayed the inside of the A-20H-5 for the same reason. Since it is less visible, I will use the kit interior parts (as show in the A-20B fuselage) in the turreted versions but this still means scratching three...
A-20B and A-20H Fulselage.JPG

Some more of the paper references used:
Squadron 10238-20 Havoc in Action.JPG
A-20 PKR Magazines.JPG
Time to point out detail bits for any modeler working on the Havoc.

This is what the kit includes. It is the wingtip from the start of the A-20G-1-DO to about the A-20G-30-DO (I may correct this range later). Note that the teardrop shaped bulb is the navigation light while the bulb in the clear aft half of the wingtip is a formation light. It should not be green/red.

Compare that to the full clear wingtip incorporating both starting with the A-20G-30-DO (this one is serial 43-9716 from the 647th Bomb Squadron, 413th Bombardment Group, 9th AF, after a hard landing in England on the 28th of May,1944):

Many make the mistake of thinking that the wingtips are painted in a light color, such as white, instead of realizing that the complete wingtip is clear.

Since the A-20H-5 is comparable to the A-20G-45-DO, it is a change I need to make.
More examples of clear wingtips which many thought were white painted:
A--20G-40-DO 4321426 Gladstone Flash:

A-20G-45-DO 43-21938:

A-20G-30-DO 43-9476 of the 3rd BG, 89th BS, named Little Isadore:


A-20G-35-DO 43-10219:

A-20G-35-DO 43-9919:


That might be enough... But here is one more... A-20G-40-DO 43-21691:
OK so why clear?

AbsoFREAKINGlutely no clue!

What I do need to find out is WHEN Douglas (or perhaps it was Boeing) started added the formation lights in the clear rear half of the wingtip as the earliest models didn't had that either! Only navigation lights on the top and bottom of the wingtips. The A-20G-1-DO manual shows them but it may have started earlier.

Clear sections of the wingtip are not on this A-20B:
Colwings were worked on by deepening the paired exhaust ejectors and working on adding the individual exhaust pipes under each cover:

Yes, I can take the easy way out and simply buy the QuickBoost cowlings:

Preparing the nose for casting... Added the centrally placed gun spent shells and links chute as well as opened up the cheeck gun spent shell openings. Link openings are next as well as considering if the wind deflectors in front should be added (they may inhibit removing the castings from the mold.

Just when I was about to pull the trigger on some polyurethane resin to try my hand. someone on Faceplant offered my this...
However, if they're in Europe (the name seems Hungarian) the shipping costs may be more than I am willing top pay...