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Vallejo Metals, beyond impressed.


Master at Arms
I find few things live up to my hopes (especially the Giants), but these Vallejo Metals far exceeded expectations.

I finally got a chance to play this morning. I was trying to decide how to mask the Klingon windows, so I took some scrap styrene and made a mock up. Very crude piece, with roughing up the surface with 800 grit paper, no wash prior to painting.

I hit it with a few drops of the Vallejo Gloss Black poly primer (the one marketed with the metals) through the big Iwata. I sprayed two thin coats, second right on top of the first after a minute interval.

They suggest at least 12 hour cure, so I cleaned the AB, stuck my thumb into the paint to see if it was tacky (it was) and went ahead and spray a topcoat of Duraluminum. :D

Less than two minutes of cure, but who needs patience?

The Duraluminum sprayed beautifully. The Primer was a little sluggish, appeared at first, but it leveled well. I cleaned the brush, gave it about 10 minutes and took the pics.

I'm amazed. Highly reflective, laid down so well, it even snugged into the sanding marks. I'll give it a rest before trying to buff, I put a few drop of Future on it after the photos.

Here it is, hard to get a good photo showing the reflection and again, this is just one thin coat on tacky primer with no gloss clear on top:


Vallejo... excellent brand!
non-toxic... excellent formulation!
making me open my wallet... not excellent at this time!

Thanks Ausf,
Thanks a lot now Ed's gonna want some of this .... Heck I want some 10 days & counting ... :woohoo: (y)