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Trumpeter Ju 87A in 1/32 (Resuming the build)

Tonight I took all the bezels and strung them on a piece of plastic rod in order. Soaked them in the blackening solution and turned them all black. Or at least mostly black. It seems that there were some spots that just didn't want to blacken. Usually in the crevasses but they ended up mostly black which is what I wanted. There will be paint and other stuff done before it is finished.
Just a heads up!

For now this beast is on the back burner, working on some aluminum jigs (which will be used on it when they are done) and a WW1 Eduard Albatros D.I which I has been a really enjoyable build.


Why I am putting a post here is that Trumpeter (in their ignorance?!?) is releasing a 1/24th scale Ju87A kit.


My best guess is that this will be an enlarged version of their 1/32 scale Ju87A kit which is horribly inaccurate!

:bang head :bang head :bang head :bang head :bang head
I will be surprised if they fix all the stuff that is wrong (or even part of it).

Freetime has a preorder for it showing full retail to be $171 with the pre-order discount to be $112.
OK, this has been setting for over 5 years. The instrument panel snafu stopped it cold. After working with them, the Airscale instrument decals just are never going to cut it. Either they are too big, too small, not enough of a type, none of a type, and the bezels are much the same way. Probably not a bad thing if you need a touch up or a quick replacement for one or two instruments, but to build a whole new panel with them was just going to be a nightmare.

Then a couple of months ago Quinta Studios released one of their interior sets for this kit and for me I couldn't order it fast enough.


WOO HOO!!!!!

So tonight, I made a small mess on my bench and restarted this build. It still needs a LOT of rework from the horribly incorrect mess that Trumpeter put in the box, but it is on it's way again.

One would think that with all of the technology now a days, that some how they could get it right!! Gary S.
I have a 1/48 Special Hobby Ju-87A in the stash, that's enough Ju-87A for me. I really research Trumpeter kits before I plunk down money on one. I did recently get a 1/32 P-47N, since it is the only option and the reviews seemed good enough.
Yeah John, this kit is basically shaped right, but Trumpeter really are idiots when it comes to researching their subjects. I have been doing some smoothing and clean up on the cockpit mods as the cockpit on this has some bare aluminum in it. I am not real sure yet so will study the photos I have a bit more before committing to the paint. Lucky for me I ran across this in PDF quite a while ago and it has been a BIG help.
Of course B&W photos are always a best guess, but better than nothing. At this point My guess is Aluminum and or RLM02, The photos show some items that are definitely a Dark Grey RLM66 most likely, and good old Black.

Flugzeug Ju87a sm.jpg
I have been working on this a bit this week. A fair amount of it has been fitting things together and remembering what I did and why. This build with the photo steps has helped a LOT with that. So, to be fair with everyone else and to get things a little more secure in my head, here is a NEW photo review of the last parts that I am dealing with currently.














Tomorrow I will post some photos of the instrument panels, and what I decided on for the pilot's seat location.


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Here is some more. I have been trying to get a solid location on the instrument panel so I can mount it and the seat needed to be moved up a tad.

Tonight I worked on the instrument panel and the cowling over it. Turns out there is quite a difference from the part that is in the kit and the actual cowling. Did some more cutting and chopping on that part tonight. It still has a little ways to go. There is a big padded frame that is around a large opening that the gun sight pokes up through. While the Quinta instrument panel is :good::good: there is a bit of work under the cowling that has to be done. Also Trumpeter made the gun sight mount way long and that needs to be shortened while it also doesn't mount dead center but to the left off center as you can see in the photo below. It is going to be coming along pretty well, but it takes a lot of time test fitting all the parts so that I don't FUBAR it. I have all these little subassemblies that I don't want to glue together until I am fully OK with everything. It would be a bear to have to undo/redo/add to something after it is all painted up. Also trying to get my head wrapped around the paint, PE, Quinta resin assembly order.







Thanks guys! After doing some work on the cowling, I have to "partially" undo some of the lengthening on the front cockpit. I believe it still needed lengthening, but not as much as I originally thought was needed. God this is a horribly researched kit. I think the only thing really right about it is the basic shape of the outsides.


It should be easier to remove some of the length that I added than it was to add it. Also been working on the bombing, landing(?) window that is located in front of and between the pilots feet. That is also hinting that I have things a little too far forward.