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This Fokkers Finished

A tapestry of obscenity just landed in our backyard, James, is it yours? :laugh: My wife decided to give our cat (yes, my avatar) a bath about 10:30 last night! :eek:hmy: :pinch: He hates the bath, but loves the blow drying that follows.

Nice work on the bird, looking forward to the next update! (y) :drinks
Well dont know if I screwed up or what but the cowling doesnt seem right to me. I'll have to research more I guess. BTW this is very hard to put together with all the tight tolerances. I found that I did not get the ammo cans in exactly right and this bulged the fuse out just a smidge so the forward coaming does not fit 100%. Anyways here is my disaster.




The guns are just sitting there to see what they look like.
..... Greetings James;

Your D-VII looks nice ............ :popcorn .... :mpup

.... If I may, the offer of the set of Engineering line drawings, of the Fokker D-VII
is still relative.

The set is four large pages, and covers the outside of the A/C, and the inside. Vary nice
if plan to rig the controls.

I also have a set of Engineering line drawings on the Mercedes 160, & the 180hp engine.

Well dont know if I screwed up or what but the cowling doesnt seem right to me. I'll have to research more I guess. BTW this is very hard to put together with all the tight tolerances. I found that I did not get the ammo cans in exactly right and this bulged the fuse out just a smidge so the forward coaming does not fit 100%. Anyways here is my disaster.




The guns are just sitting there to see what they look like.

Can you get the can loosen up and moved where it needs to be?
No, that would be complete destruction of the kit. I read of others having a small problem and found that the one locating shape (for lack of a better word) needs trimming. Also even a single coat of paint on the lug will cause issues. I'm living with it. My concern is the left top cowl seems weird and the gap between the cheek cowls and aft fuse seems very wide to me. I dont care though because this is getting built one way or another. Will know better on next one I do though.
My advice, whip out the Dremel and fix that Fokker! Fokking right! :laugh: B) :zen :zen :zen
A dremel would make the gap bigger. Nope its staying as is. And so here is the first coat of paint.


Maybe decal up some crosses tomorrow if I feel good and then Sunday spray them out. We'll see how it works out.
Its easy to be critical of your own work James but to me it looks excellent. I don't suppose the fit of the real parts was particularly good given they were wood and beaten alloy and steel.
My theory is we have become accustomed to perfect restorations and new build for WWI and WWII aircraft and trucks etc and have forgotten just how crude a lot of this stuff built to last a couple of wartime weeks really was. Remember these aircraft often had a total loss castor oil system of lube that sprayed back over the pilot and plane out of the exhaust !! when do we ever see that modelled on a kit :) most were riddled with patched holes and nearly all operated out of muddy fields and stood out in all weather. I think we can be over fussy on fit and detail TBH. (y)
Its easy to be critical of your own work James but to me it looks excellent. I don't suppose the fit of the real parts was particularly good given they were wood and beaten alloy and steel.
My theory is we have become accustomed to perfect restorations and new build for WWI and WWII aircraft and trucks etc and have forgotten just how crude a lot of this stuff built to last a couple of wartime weeks really was. Remember these aircraft often had a total loss castor oil system of lube that sprayed back over the pilot and plane out of the exhaust !! when do we ever see that modelled on a kit most were riddled with patched holes and nearly all operated out of muddy fields and stood out in all weather. I think we can be over fussy on fit and detail TBH.

Well stated paddy . I would add that often time they changed weekly or even overnight,

Cheers, Christian B)
Thanks guys. It just caught me by surprise. One of the engine bearers runs along the gap, but it just seemed biig. Looking at pictures though isnt too helpful as there were so many different versions of the Fokker DVII. Believe it or not out of three manufacturers there were 126 different cowling types. Anyways I am pressing ahead and soon the yellow nose will come to be. Then it is the wings and I have to get off my butt and cover them soon. We'll see how I feel after work today and go from there.
Okay a little bit done tonight. Tomorrow when the decal is absolutely set I will lightly overspray with blue again. Then comes some masking and a couple more struts to install and paint the yellow. Then some more decaling and rigging.



