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Tamiya Panel Line Accent Colour


Active member

also available in gray & brown

has applicator brush.

Has anyone tried this product?

I ask because I am hopeless at this sort of thing, this looks a simple easy way to do those pesky panel line accents.

I believe this is ultra thin, and better than mixing your own.

I'll be honest and say I do like my builds clean, with bare minimum weathering effects. :)
I have been experimenting with Bob Letterman's wash lessons and they are awesome. Also if you are looking for a wash Flory Models in the UK is good. He also has lessons and will help you with it. Here is a you tube of it in use.


Phil, I have one not bad at all. But new pannel line wash by Tamiya is enamel paint (gray/brown) with X-20 enamel thinner. You can thin/mix some custom shades for more real effects or You can use Humbrol enamel (great pigments) with white (mineral) spirit and make a custom mix in a big botle.

All the best!!!
Another way to add some accent to panel lines is good old oil paint and Turpenoid oderless thinner. The oil paint can be bought in small tubes and will last a lifetime, ditto for the Turpenoid, so the cost is very low too.
To use the oil paint get a little bit out of the tube with the end of a flat toothpick and smear it on your mixing pallette, add a few drops of oderless thinner and mix it up with a paint brush. For putting it on the model use a thin liner brush by loading the brush with some of the mixture and then touching the tip of the paint brush to the panel line you want to enhance, the thinned oil paint will neatly flow into the panel line all by itself. Repeat this last step for all the panel lines you want to enhance on the model. If the panel lines don't look dark enough add more thinned oil paint, if you don't like how it looked use a paper towel dampened with oderless thinner and wipe it off the model, this is about the most goof proof method for weathering I have used.
I have seen videos of some of those pre-mixed panel line washes and they offer no advantage over using the thinned oil paint plus the pre-mixed stuff you have to buy from a hobbyshop or special order it, oil paints and Turpenoid can be found most anywhere, what I use was bought at a local Walmart about three years ago and should last for many years to come.


If i was you i would get down the local hobby/arts shop and get some water colour paints in a tube.
that's what i use, there is literally hundreds of colours and its dead easy to wash it all over let it half dry and wipe it off. If it all looks crap just wash it off with water and try again. Once you have it how you want it just give it a quick matt coat and its sealed for life :) thats all i use :)
Thanks for all the helpful replies!
I tend to like Paddy's the most - the most safest!!! for me anyways!
