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Special Hobby BV P212.03 Luft '46 - FINISHED!


Well-known member
So instead of going back to the Rita after finishing the Micro Modeler campaign this one caught my attention for some reason. :eek:hyeah

Quite a few years ago a friend of mine gave me a box of models that had been given to him. In it there were several Luft '46 models that had been started but never finished and this was one of them. None of them had there original box or, more importantly... Canopies!!! :frantic :frantic :frantic

I will have to try carving a mold out of styrene and then make my own vac canopy. I've done it before with some success but all the same wish me luck.

I pretty much had to take this kit apart and start over. Fortunately I only had a problem at the one wing joint but nothing I can't handle.

Cockpit is basic and was missing the IP so I scounged one from the spares.

Box top image borrowed from the internet.




Getting the fuse halves to line up was a challenge... Round one!


Round two! I learned a new trick today. The clamps were just sliding off the curved surfaces so I put some masking tape on and problem solved.

Special Hobby BV P212.03 Luft '46

I'll be :popcorn this one ... Dave I always thought the lufts 46 planes were the bomb ... congrats on a good start ... :pilot
Special Hobby BV P212.03 Luft '46

Pup, only took about twenty minutes to take it all apart. Took a lot more work to clean it up properly before putting it back together. The fellow who started it the first time skipped that part it seams. This kit is out of production and hard to find so it is worth the extra effort in my opinion.

Thanks Swordwman! I have a weak spot for the luft 46 subjects too. :drinks
Special Hobby BV P212.03 Luft '46

Nice tip on the masking tape I will have to remember that

Hope she does not fight you all the way :popcorn
Special Hobby BV P212.03 Luft '46

I'm bored waiting for my son so I thought I would dig up this thread and bump it back up so that I can find it later. Not much time at the bench this summer and I also moved my model room to the other side of the house but I finally sat down a few times this week and Moved this one forward. I'll post pics when I get home.
Special Hobby BV P212.03 Luft '46

Thanks Pup.

I didn't get a chance to upload the photos last night but here they are. As a short run kit you can imagine how fun it was to get all the angles on the wings lined up with no locating pins. :gogo :gogo :gogo



Now to tackle making a new canopy. :frantic
Special Hobby BV P212.03 Luft '46

Thanks James and Smurf!

Got held up a bit because none of the LHS' around here had any basswood that was large enough to carve the canopy plug out of. Was going to try using milliput but then I was able to stop by a Hobby store in Calgary while I was dropping off my Daughter for college a few days ago. They had what I needed so I started carving the plug. I've never tried this before from wood so this is an experiment. So far I am very happy with the shape but I still need to make it much smaller.

Special Hobby BV P212.03 Luft '46

Finished getting the plug down to size and then decided to put a couple coats of Mr. Surfacer 500 on because I was worried about the wood grain showing through. This turned out to be a mistake because it bubbled under the heat of the plastic. Anyway, After a dozen or so attempts I finally got one that I think will do. you can still see some of the wood grain if you look really close or zoom in with the camera. A couple coats of future should help with that.




Onward and upwards.
Special Hobby BV P212.03 Luft '46

Very cool. Nicely done vac job. Makes me want to try doing that. (y) (y) (y) (y) (y) :D
Special Hobby BV P212.03 Luft '46

Hey Dave, have you tried dipping that canopy in Future ? I think it would probably help it be more clear.

Just a thought.

Good job so far (y) (y)

Cheers, Christian B)
Special Hobby BV P212.03 Luft '46

Thanks Pup, James.

Chris I have not done the future dip yet but will definitely do so. To the naked eye it looks perfectly clear (at least to my old eyes) so I'm sure it will be fine after it is futured.