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Shelf queen KI-46 III Kai

I have some nice extra decals in my decal stash.

they look suspiciously like Aussie decals there, what's the story on this bird Warren?

I hadn't thought of a story to go with it. Been too busy!
When I bought it, I had every intention of building it in a Japanese scheme, then I had an idea to try a spare shark mouth decal on the front (because of the sleek lines of the craft) and it looked pretty good! I don't recall any japanese craft with a sharks mouth (other than that captured P-51, Evelina) so I thought it might be neat to do it up as a captured Australian bird in dark sea grey and dark slate grey.
Sounds good!

only seen one captured pic,


Mk II in U.S. markings.

keep her going! (y)