Well I couldn't leave well enough alone. I've been having way too much fun with this
I thought that it would look great with a door on the archway, so...
It was scratch built from thick balsa wood, cut into strips and braces were added.
I beat it up to give it some age. and painted it with a wash of "DecoArt acrylic (Heavenly Hues) Plaster and Ceramic washes "Blissful Beige"
Overview of new door
Yes I even put hinges on the back so it could open.
Door detail was added (Grandt Line HO scale 2 1/2" nut - 6" square washer), which were painted with an acrylic "Folk Art" Metallic Antique copper.
The door was then given a heavy coat of pastel chalks dusted and mashed into the wood. (black and rust around the nuts/washers).
Again I placed a tank and some figure for scale reference... Hope you enjoy it.
I have a dio in mind for this, but it will have to wait a little bit, so I can get back
to some of the group builds I have neglected.
Num, This was a lot of fun to make and as you can see I'm still having fun putting different vehicles and such on it to take pictures. Thank you again for sending it to me and letting me do a review of it.