This is my first MFH build. Quite a change from anything i have done before.
These are quite delicate and fiddly things to put together and i have learnt a lot with this one about order of construction and getting the finish i want on the castings so i think i can improve on this with future builds. I had some trouble with the light defuses in the light box so what looks like a poor paint finish is actually quite a good finish thats reflecting the inside of the light box.....Which sort of defeats the object
. Just my opinion as a novice...Overall these are great fun to build, they are not beginners models but then, there is nothing thats particularly daunting either. The castings are brilliant, the fit is excellent, you get the feeling these are hand packed with love and care and there is even a hand written note in the box from Mr Hero. They are not cheap but quite frankly, you pay for what you get .
If you want one in future go direst the Model Factory Hero and save a big chunk , all are limited editions so check their website regularly because new issues tend to sell out on pre orders before the finished item is ready for despatch.
I was totally defeated by the recommended paint job, the method of half painted and half decals on the complicated design was way past my pay grade . I couldn't match the white of the decal in paint and i couldn't avoid a ridge in the paint where it overlapped the decal.
The chain is also a challenge, its doable but its not the easiest method i have seen for individual link assembly, that prize will go to Tamiya.