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The RPM control and lower than usual speeds with a reasonable amount of torque is why I still use my ancient Dremel with the separate Speed control. While I like the pencil drill you have, I have moved completely away from battery tools like that as they are either drained, the batteries have gone bad or several other things. I like the plugged in tools as they usually "Just Work" when I need them.
I know what you mean about anything with batteries :) I do have an old dremel but its a big fat clunky thing and with a heavy mains lead hanging off the back its unwieldy TBH, this thing is very light and you hold it between finger and thumb, its very precise and does actually go down to 300 rpm on full torque. I actually bought it some time ago for use on plastic kits as it cuts rather than melts plastic :)
As for batteries ? I recently bought a new watch as i couldn't get the back off the old one and it was cheaper to buy another watch than get a jeweler to fit a new battery in the old one....thats the world we live in now...crazy
So the fittings for the plugs we not too bad, this is whats called a flag connector.

Rather than trying to roll a tube i folded a square and because of the radius of the right angle folds its basically round anyway

2 right angle folds and then rolled onto the wire, crap pictures but you get the idea, might help the nxt guy who builds one of these .


Then you can peg the flag connector to the plug with tiny supplied rivet. (0.4mm)


Gotta love the really nice parts with this model but also how they leave you to work out how to do things which is what makes them all consuming.

I will touch up that white porcelain on the plugs, probably would have been yellow or pink anyway
So working on the plumbing, i cant really do anymore now till the engine is in the frame and there is something to connect pipes too
Model left, real thing right...


I made a mistake with the rolled pipe between the barrels as i used 1mm and it should have been 0.8mm like the rest. Trouble is i cant get the 1mm off now as its super glued and i think i will damage the unions or worse shear them off.
I know that you spend a lot of hours on these builds, but somehow you seem to make them look effortless. Impressive.
Thing is, only you will really know the difference on that 1mm wire.
Yea...thats the problem :)
Its just one of those things that leaps out of the picture to me....i will have to fix it because the feeling it looks odd is not getting better with time :)


i know its just a detail but it was annoying me and at least now the pipe going in one side is the same as coming out the other :)

Also below i have removed the distributor from the left side and added a magneto Both parts are supplied with the kit however i couldn't find any period pictures with a distributor so have changed it to a mag.

I spent yesterday making the vertical stabilizer on my Ju88 thicker, wider, definitely not thin like the kit part came. Once I saw the real part was definitely thicker than the kit part I couldn't un-see it.
I get it fully my friend.

Since i took this i have removed the dynamo and got it to sit properly, you really can't beat taking a picture and zooming in to spot problems :)
I have decided to move on to paint and bodywork next as after i did the test on the rear mudguard at the start of the build i was surprised to find it took 2 weeks to go properly hard. This is probably because i used a filler primer. anyway i will do some paint and then i can put it one side while i look again at construction. there are dozens of holes to drill in the body work and getting them in the right place and the right size now is important as i dont really want to be opening holes up after painting however it might be the case that i have to as filler primer can quite easily fill holes :)y