Master at Arms
Hi James, the sub update is actually the wrong one. I bought the Mk 9 set which is larger. I didn't realise I had picked the wrong picture. I will get the Mk7 set next as they are pretty expensive and will need a little time to save up all except the sub. I'm almost half way through the Pz IVJ. Just as a heads up, the plastic is softer than most and so when sanding or filing you really have to watch. A couple of areas of mine the plastic is off coloured also. All in all though a really nice build except the gun. It was a fiddly nightmare and as the hatches will be closed I didn't complete it. Also watch when building the gun. Its a bit sloppy at the muzzle. Oh and the return rollers. The ones I used I saw stated on a thread they are wrong and an after war thing. But in my books I am sure I saw them in use. Anyways Hope no one notices.
Thanks for the 'heads-up' on the Panzer 4J. I got this kit because I love panzer 4 H and J's. Something about the final production versions with German tanks and the end of the war thing

The Mk 3 M is nice but it does look as though they have based a lot of their detail and construction/ molding layout on the Gunze hull from the 90's (as did the early Dragon kits), except they have fixed detail where required. I was hoping that they would have matched the Dragon Mk3 kits by detailing the final drive casing on the hull and detail under the track guards but Dragon still kicks everyones butt with their Mk3 variants detail.

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