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Large Custom Millennium Falcon (new pics )

Large Custom Millennium Falcon (turret finished)

It's the hold parts that came earlier that really need the work. ;)

Though this shipment has the main corridor where we can add in the lighting in the floor and the little green wall lights.
I saw that the guy who runs ParaGrafix is working on a PE set for the floors that allow the lighting. I think I may wait for that rather than try to cut out all those little slats by hand. :gogo
Large Custom Millennium Falcon (turret finished)

What these parts get no surgery NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! :frantic

They are all bottom parts Dave! The butt side had very little added detail, and I won't really know what will need adding until I get it partly assembled.

Besides, I have to scratch the guns and cockpit. What ya complainin' about?
Large Custom Millennium Falcon (New Basic photos)

Man there is a lot of work to this. Very interesting.
Large Custom Millennium Falcon (New Basic photos)

Never would have guessed so much labor would have gone into this :idonno

Cheers, Christian B)
Large Custom Millennium Falcon (New Basic photos)

I think most folks who get this kit will probably build it up the way it is. That is their perogitive and doing it that way it should turn out fairly nice.

Then there are those that want to customise it and will add the ParaGrafix PE and some of the Shapeways AM that is available, but beyond that won't go to a lot of extra work.

I am going whole hog and I know at this point that I can do it. No holds barred and all that jazz. We haven't even gotten to the engine areas yet and I have major rework plans for that stuff. The motorized boarding ramp they have coming? Yeah, like I am going to use anything but the basic hull parts for that and am going to have to do some frame chopping and reinforcing.

Have a lot of things swirling around in my head on this. (No Dave toilet bowels are NOT involved) :bat

What that means is a LOT of work, but I can build it like everyone else, or I can build it where everyone else wishes they had my build.
Large Custom Millennium Falcon (New Basic photos)

Paul, I got in my Paragrafix PE for the cargo hold today. It's a thing of beauty. I think this is worth it for the floor panels alone. I don't think I'd be able to get it anywhere as close with styrene.
Large Custom Millennium Falcon (New Basic photos)

Ah! Thanks for letting me know Dan! I had pretty much decided to go with the ParaGrafix hold set as well. I think he got the floor pattern pretty close to right on.

If you would like, feel free to post some photos on my thread, I would like to see how your build is coming along.
Large Custom Millennium Falcon (New Basic photos)

Here are a couple of pics of what I have so far on mine.
Here is the hold with the new floor, and includes my scratch built technical station and chair.

And here's what my cockpit looked like last week-ish. I took off the side consoles as I wasn't too happy with them. Note that the console and median between the seats is not glued down, it's all just resting in place. The seats are from a 1/43 scale Porsche I got from ebay.
Large Custom Millennium Falcon (New Basic photos)

That's looking real good Dan! Definitely a huge improvement over the standard kit parts. (y) Looking at those seats it's real apparent the ones in the kit are WAY oversized!

BTW, I know the cockpit set was $60, how much is the hold set?
Large Custom Millennium Falcon (New Basic photos)

It ran me I think $58 shipped. And I got it really quick. He shipped it Monday, and it arrived on Wednesday.

I'm quite happy with the progress on my parts. I'm going to leave the seats able to rotate, as on the filming set. And what I did with the taller nav seats, is the base is a rare earth magnet. Under the floor of both the cockpit and the cargo hold is some steel glued in place so I can remove the seats and re-position them as I like.
Large Custom Millennium Falcon (New Basic photos)

The magnet thing is a good idea Dan. I might have to do that too (for different reasons).
Large Custom Millennium Falcon (turret finished)

What these parts get no surgery NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! :frantic

They are all bottom parts Dave! The butt side had very little added detail, and I won't really know what will need adding until I get it partly assembled.

Besides, I have to scratch the guns and cockpit. What ya complainin' about?
WHAT there is no TOILET on the falcon!!!!!!!
Large Custom Millennium Falcon (New Basic photos)

Where you been? I figured you would jump all over the "swirly" thing. Or did they not do that to geeks in your high school?
Large Custom Millennium Falcon (New Basic photos)

If you have not realised it yet I HAVE BEEN A GEEK MY WHOLE LIFE!!!! and I dont plan to ever grow up :yipee
Oner of my greatest wishes is to be able to afford an stormtroopers suit and go to an comic con or Dragon Con
Large Custom Millennium Falcon (New Basic photos)

So you HAVE had your head stuffed in a toilet while it was flushed! I've only seen it in the movies. :D

Large Custom Millennium Falcon (New Basic photos)

Have the rear cockpit wall drafted up and laid out on some acrylic. The door position and size changed. Also the walls around it will be changing a bit. All the square push button lights are cut out and ready to attach. All in clear acrylic for now. The round window for the nav computer was .185 dia so I took a .187 router bit and cut it in nicely.
The square push buttons are .030 square. I am going to make "another" little tool to help apply them nice, straight and pretty.
Will try to have some Extreme pics up tonight.
Large Custom Millennium Falcon (New Basic photos)

Been enjoying this immensely from the sidelines Paul!

Awesome work!

Large Custom Millennium Falcon ()

I promised some new Extreme and you have some. (just a little) I have been mostly working on stuff on the computer so there isn't too much to see. Working it out on the computer beats cheeks out of scratchin garbage.

Here's the update:







Have decided I need to make a new tool to help align the stinkin square buttons. Got the idea from the nice adjustable machinists square that I use the heck out of. I need a flatter more adjustable one for thin flat stuff. Doesn't need to be steel for what I need, so aluminum should work just fine and I have a bunch of it. Will probably be my weekend project this weekend. Shouldn't really take long to make and then I will show you all what it is and why I made it.