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KI-27 Nate

Not so much about the sheen Mike as it is the shade .

In this case , they picked a color that is nearly orange . For some reason Tamiya red and Tamiya yellow mixed together look to be a murky beige instead of orange.

Cheers, Christian B)
Uau, Christian, great job! :good:

I really like the Nate, I think I have one in my stash. Amazing job on that engine cowling.

Looking forward to more pictures. Thanks for sharing!

Thanks Swordsman and Alex for the encouragement.

Believe it or not , I have done one more color update. Added another 16 % red to the mixture and now I feel like it's right.
Managed to destroy part of that lovely red stripe with the blue tack :bang head . Painted it on this time instead. :soldier


While watching the paint dry , I used some oils to accentuate the flight control surfaces.


and now that I have two things drying I decided to do something about those non existent wheels.

I cut a plastic disc and cut four small sections off and glued them onto the existing plastic.


Not very fancy but it will like something when painted .

Now, I'm pondering how much more detail to put into the paint work . Very different from my normal builds.

Hope you like it. Cheers, Christian B)
Personally I think it's looking fantastic, just thinking about getting another one m'self or better still, finding and stripping-back my old one and getting that same decal sheet to re-do it.

Inspirational build, Chris.


Well if you do Ian, pick one of the paint job that has all the decals available .

I believe they have two more sheets available but the one I picked was my Favorite.

Cheers, Christian B)
Thank you Warren , Mark, Dave , Luiz and my apologies to anyone I have missed.

Can't believe how long it has been since my last post....Sorry :(

The wife coned me into a week's vacation to Seattle, Victoria and Vancouver .... :blush: , so I went !

Beautiful country although it reminded me a bit of Germany . Sunglasses or umbrellas were required at a moments's notice . Plenty of good food abounded ....Unfortunately I brought back no pictures :(

My most memorable time came while taking a flight in one of these


More interesting ride than a rollercoaster. The approach was similar to the first hill of the best coaster I have ever been on :frantic But the landing was smoother than any other flight I have been in :frantic

Anyhow, got past the gremlins that followed our return :good:

A good many things have been done since the last post .
I never mentioned the panels ( ? ) on the wings. Those were added . They might possibly be access panels for the struts.


The bird has received the pin washes, some dirt and some subtle paint chipping added .

The pitot tube has been replaced with a piece of hypodermic needle and position light have been fabricated from heated sprue since the kit had none :(


The red and white marking on the spats were touched up ( since the decals would not cooperate ) and the exhaust pipes were replaced with some home made brass ones.


The tail skid was repaired with a brass wire and the wooden antennae was installed and painted.


A blackened piece of sprue was inserted between the cowl and fuselage .

a vac-u-formed sliding canopy was painted and installed .





Hope you all enjoyed this build, I sure did. Thanks for looking :)

Cheers, Christian B)