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KI-27 Nate

Time to rip out that old Pink Floyd LP's and do some Sanding Meditation Chris :zen

What a great suggestion Dave :D However I happened to think of Deep Purple today and after tuning in good, I found that had already buzzed through the sanding :good:

Didn't even require any Sake :lol:

Just need to add some last detail things and wash it good . Cheers, Christian B)
I did make a bit of progress today.The engine is ready to mount , the canopy if future ,all the glare shields and roll over structure are painted .A gizmo has bee added to th left wing and i have no clue what it is


Cheers,Christan B)
Time to rip out that old Pink Floyd LP's and do some Sanding Meditation Chris :zen

What a great suggestion Dave :D However I happened to think of Deep Purple today and after tuning in good, I found that had already buzzed through the sanding :good:

Didn't even require any Sake :lol:

Just need to add some last detail things and wash it good . Cheers, Christian B)
Deep purple will do the sanding meditation thing just as good I even had some good sanding meditation with moody blues.
Youre into Gizmology now? :D :popcorn

When I just don't know , I need to come up with something .

If I had been in Texas it would have been a chingadera :rotf

Cheers, Christian B)

Thanks everyone for tagging along :)

I had a hard time getting the engine colors the way I wanted it but I finally came up with something that resembles the real thing.


Trimmed and futured the canopy and installed all the bit except for the repaired tail skid .

Dave, it is no longer a gizmo but a wing mounted camera.


Changed my mind about the wing tanks since they are much larger that what the pictures show. Of course now I have to plug the holes in the lower wing.


Thanks for looking . We're almost to the fun part . Cheers, Christian B)
That's some really nice work on a difficult looking kit.

Looking forward to the painting of it.


Hi Matrixone . Overall not that bad of a kit . Probably some worn molds .

Ian said his Maniya version was perfect :idonno On occasions I have had the Maniya kits, I have found them to be quite good .

This one is lacking some things like cockpit detail and there were a couple of issues but not insurmountable .

I'm probably going to disappoint you on the paint job job since this one was painted in overall light green but if the decals are good, it will be pretty showy . :coolio These early airplanes supposedly had very glossy paint jobs , so I'm not going to beat it up either.

Cheers, Christian B)
Hello all . Not off to a good start here . Thought I had taken a few pictures of last night's repairs but I can't find them.

Brutal few days here . Time warner brought me an update for the system that caused me to be without internet service for 24 hour ( some update )
And a faltering air conditioner ( now dead ) for the last couple of days :facepalm I think my brain might be melting :blink

Anyhow, after shooting a coat of paint I found this bird to have a ridge on the backbone and the flap replacement.

As it was, I decided to fill/sand those parts back to the plastic . I masked and primed those areas with the following items.


I have never successfully sprayed that surfacer before . The difference was the Gunze thinner ( lots of it ) and it laid down even better than the Tamiya gray rattle can primer :D


This is the result of two coats of Tamiya Acrylic :good: A lot harder to spray to a luster than the Gunze but I am pleased at this point .

A coat of Future tomorrow .

Cheers, Christian B)
Good job Chris, didn't think you'd every say something better than your rattle can primer.

Well Bob I always knew there was some other things out there but although I have read about Mr surfacer being used as a primer, this is the first time I have used it successfully out of an airbrush .

Not nearly as easy as a rattle can but did a very nice job . Definitely needed had to clean the AB afterward but it was a good match for spot priming . That's the part that is difficult with the rattle can.

Really happy with this experience though but I could seriously use another AB for priming as I have posted more than once :rotf

Cheers, Christian B)