In Another World... 11/27/19 UPDATE!
Earlier today, a question was raised about master's participation. Please refer to these earlier posts.
Iron Mike wrote:
That looks pretty cool, Terry, could we make it In Another World? Maybe add some armor so it doesn't look to sci-fi exclusive.
Guys, the aim of this was to get everyone building something fun and outside the lines for some. I offered to kick in a gift certificate to the best, most creative build, Moon Pup said he'd match my amount.

I asked Bob Letterman to do the selection, as he is well respected in the hobby and would be beyond reproach. I'm building to be a part of things, but I'm not going to be eligible for obvious reasons. All the masters are welcome to join in, I would think you feel as I do regarding the prize.
This really doesn't need to be hard, besides, what do you have to lose? Best part about this campaign is that in addition to a cool ribbon for completed builds, you have a chance at some loot. What's not to like?

Oh yeah, no penlights allowed either!

So pull the sticks out and let's get some ideas flowing.
My earlier post explains what everyone needs to know. There will be a panel of members that do not build in this campaign that select what they consider the best and most creative build(s). You may build and exempt yourself from the prizes, but if you're not on the panel, you are eligible if you finish. This isn't a contest in the usual sense, take your best shot at a build you like and follow other members builds, we're going to have a great time!
PS. I've been approached by a couple of members about additional prize donations, so stay tuned for more details.
So, let's finish them up and post the evidence. Thanks for your support.