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Hey Chuck! Always good to see your craftmanship skills. Sometimes the one step back ends up being to our benefit. Been there done that. :idonno

As always I appreciate your work and techniques!

Looking forword to the next installment!
I'm with Terry, a Chuck update is just what I needed (y) (y) (y)

Beautiful craftmanship on display and of course I really like the soldering :D :D :D

This is one of those updates that you go back an look again and again and.....

Many thanks, guys! Life's running a little rough at our house lately, but modeling has always proved a comfort. I was lying awake one night (I'm a lousy sleeper) and thought to check the exhausts vs gill ring dealie, but did I? Noooooo! I will trace the pattern on acetate and do a positive check before I go any further- that will be 20 minutes well spent, I think!
Sorry to have almost missed your latest update (darn travel tours anyway).
As are the others, I am in awe of your abilities.
'course I understand about the "oops" factor; It just visited my bench, but Im sure my remake will be 1/2 as good as the "brilliant" inital part - but at least this time, all the parts will be the same scale .

OK time for a brew and some deep plannin' time. Cheers

Eyepopping goodness once again!! sensory overload detected - shutting down mainframe!

Noticed your ship you have ordered, now that just boggles the mind what you will do with that one!!

Thanks, gents! I have soldered a new ring and am getting it to fit in place. Lookin' good, and the exhausts are in the clear! It's a tricky little bugger, but it looks so nice in place. Once the engine is mounted I will add third piece of rod to each vee strut, linking them to engine cylinders. Pics are forthcoming!

Phil, it's a stroke of luck that Eduard has just released a nice Big Ed set for the Arizona. Ouch, says my wallet- and what about those KA wooden decks? :O
Phil, it's a stroke of luck that Eduard has just released a nice Big Ed set for the Arizona. Ouch, says my wallet- and what about those KA wooden decks? :O

You only live once Chuk, so get into it, hope you start the Arizona very soon (y)
Thanks, you flatterers! A brief, but happy update- enjoy!








Chuck are you still chipping the solder or have you gotten some soldering paste?

Outstanding craftsmanship sir! :notworthy
Hey Chuck! I must agree, your lady tour guides are definitely becoming more photo realistic. Very Nice!

The computer layout idea is a real good one. Have used something similar for a while now and it makes some difficult jobs so much simpler.

Still have to remember that this is a rather TINY model that you are detailing so nicely!