A million thanks! :cheer:
Christian, take a look at that pic. I drilled three holes in each side, aimed horizontally. Then I slipped three brass rods in and, pressing the two halves of the fuselage together, superglued the crap out of 'em. Re-glued the seam, too. As soon as the glue was set I ground and sanded the protruding ends of the rods flush against the fuselage. Now all I have to do is rescribe and re=rivet, and hope the darn thing stays together!
Moon, you crack me up! That's now the official MA movie.
I got the tip from some smart modeler, Bob- I just lucked into the whole lacquer--thinner thing. It does make for quick (and cheap) repairs.
Hey, Mike- what did you have in the show? I wound up taking home a Gold with it. I'm wracking my tiny brain- did we talk? I always go into a fugue state at shows- mental overload!
Eagle, the 509 feels HUGE compared to this little hot rod- it's friggin' tiny!
Again, to all of you- my sincere thanks. This thing's been gathering dust as I just needed to take a break from it. I went to OrangeCon and spent my dog's college fund- and spent a couple of weekends putting an art book together. All I need now is for the publisher to get back to me about getting it printed! More on that as things actually happen. I think fixing that stabilizer reactivated my modeling mojo- I'm going to get this thing back on track.. Cheers!