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Help painting leather


Well-known member
Hey guys. I'm trying to get this 1/16 Manfred von Richthofen finished for my model club meeting Thursday. This is where I stand after working on it yesterday. when it comes to painting leather, do I dull coat it or use a satin finish. Normally I would dull coat, but with this much leather showing, I'm not sure.


Hey Gator ,

Is th Baron going to have a Black Leather Jacket ? You could try this ...

1) For shadows - Try to use a glaze or a wash & in th deep crevices use a Violet - very subtle
2) As a Highlight try to use a Prussian BLue( Royal Blue) - Again Very subtle
3) Show a little wear with a mix of Beige & a Very light grey , not mixed together , but to show stages of wear around th elbows, cuffs , any where the Jacket would get rubbed getting in & out of the Plane etc. .....
4) I would go with a satin finish. As leather has a natural sheen any way.

- Dry brush 1st. with th Royal Blue( Prussian Blue - vallejo ) - very lightly
- Wash -in or Glaze-in the Violet for the shadows

Yes, it is a black leather jacket. Would you paint the jacket black or a almost black gray?
Use the black black for the very deepest creases

However what paints will you be using to complete this Gator ?

I too would go with a Black as a Base coat. I would then dry brush with th prussian Blue as a highlight (very lightly you don't want a stark contrast between th Blue & Black just enough to catch your Eye) & wash th Violet ( same with th Violet) into th deep crevices for th shadows. & Then come back with German Camo Beige & Black Grey to show wear on th Leather . ( IMHO)
