Now I need to find it as it is great for scratch-building.
However, I started using squash casting when I needed to add missing rivets, bolts, and nuts, to kits without replacing them all so they would match. I used my PAM (spray oil used in cooking) over the fasteners I wanted to replicate, brushed them to ensure it was an even light layer, then mixed two-part epoxy putty (Aves comes to mind but Milliput white has been used). After it hardened, I cut the prue tree frame into lengths which were heated over a candle and squished, squashed, or pressed, into the epoxy putty mold. Slice the perfectly replicated detail off the sprue and use! Getting wiser, I learned to shave several of the items from the kit and glue them close together on a sheet of 0.08" styrene to make molds of multiples since the epoxy putty is so expensive!