I got past the gate guard to work on the gate, really guys, go figure, but there you have it! Actually, the smoke has been so bad in our area, worse than the smog alerts in Los Angeles back in the 60's, that I now have the excuse to avoid splitting fire wood and get ta sniffin some paint, lol.
After going back to review early period pics of iron gates it was then I realized round rod wasn't, if ever, used. Oh well, a square head I ain't so it stays as is, lol.
A bit of primer after the latching mechanism was installed. Note the decorative feature appropriate for a cemetery gate, ya???
The standard salt and hairspray method for heavy chipping, gotta love this technique!
Note: The Gate Guard, i.e., my wife, and I agreed a blue tone would break up the color scheme just right for this scenario.
As you can see, there's plenty more work to be done, especially on the salt chunks and then some really intense rust work with pigments and oils, etc.
I will post "up to speed" pics to counter the PB debacle so there won't be such a gap in the photo sequence, when I get time.
Thx for watching and let's hope this winter will be a heavy snow season with plenty of bunker time, HA! Let is snow, let is snow, let it snow................................
Cheers, Ski.