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E Mail from Plastic Model Store in Ukraine


Just received a new email from Plastic Model Store in Ukraine. Some info that might be of interest to the modelers here.

Slava Ukraini, !

That's Artem from PM-Store.​

It's time to take stock for now.
Now there will be again a little more text than always.
If you are just interested in an 8% coupon code, scroll down, please.
So, we are back and have been working for a month and a half.
During the war, the Ukrainian hobby world had losses too.​

The Bad News:
One manufacturer from Kharkov, who produces figures in 1/72, said that part of the injection molds of his brands was lost forever. It was all the fault of a russian rocket artillery shell that flew into his garage, where the molds were stored. His brands are Alliance, Red Box, Orion
2. From a fragment or ruzzian rocket, the main artist of the brand Roden was killed in Bucha. This was a great loss for the brand owner as he was a very close friend of his. Perhaps their hit Boeing RC-135 Rivet Joint was his last drawing.
3. We also lost two brands that ended up in the occupied city of Kherson. The Orel brand, which produced paper modeling kits, has been completely stopped. The owner was forced to leave the city and leave the production. The same fate with the brand of resin accessories Kirrey.
4. The Miniart brand was forced to flee the Russian occupation for the second time. And now they are moving production to Poland. In this regard, there will be no new products and production of old models in the coming months, and we (like others) will only sell leftovers.

The Good News:
So far, 19 people have taken part in a charity event in our store. $570 has been collected and it has already been donated to the fund, where we help the neighbors from my house and their units that are fighting now. I know these people personally. Thanks to everyone. You will not believe it, but in addition to military ammunition, we even buy socks and underwear. If you want to join - you can purchase this product.
2. Delivery from Ukraine is working better than we expected and getting better. We can share terms:
Germany, France, UK, and other EU - 12-14 days
USA - 14-21 days
Record holder - delivery to the Czech Republic - 7 days.
Of course, not all parcels are delivered in such terms, but we can be sure that delivery will not take ages.
3. We invest in inventory. We decided to support our Ukrainian producers with our orders and thereby expand our stocks. The restocking process will now take less time.

By the way, subscribe to our Facebook channel - we share very useful articles on modeling there. We will be glad to see you among our subscribers.
And on our YouTube channel, we are making unpacking videos of the latest "hit" new kits.
See you, friends.
Stay safe and build mоdels!
To russians - don't build models, build democracy!

Good to hear about Miniart,but the fact is that I don't need anything right now that I order directly from Ukraine,I would wait until things calmed down.

Also pretty sad to here about the Roden guy.
I would quote General George S. Patton: "A man that eloquent must be saved."
I bought the Slava Ukraine card, the ICM "Ghost of Kyiv" kit,:coolio2: a Dora wings P-43 and a Foxbot A-20 decal sheet. Prices were attractive!
I don't buy from communists. I will buy from people fighting for their freedom in their own country!
I have done a little business lately with a Polish distributor. It takes a while to get here, but I've had no worries.
Sad to see it impacting the industry. I’ve ordered successfully several times from Estonia.

When minimart is again established I’m sure I’ll order from them
Andrew at the PM Hobby shop sent:
"Our office went back to work after after the soldiers moved away from Kyiv and we try to continue working, sometime to the sound of explosions."
So imagine this, going to work with your AK and your bandolier slung over your shoulder, lunchbox in hand. The loaded office RPG is propped in a corner by a window in case a Z marked tank or APC rumbles up. You are trying to fill and ship orders and hoping your internet stays up. Then providing for things as basic as socks for their soldiers! If it wasn't actually happening, this would strain credulity!
Not so unlike The Blitz in 1940 Great Britain, I imagine.

Andrew then took a minute to provide a link to track the models I ordered. What Stones these people must have!!
Got one order in last week and another due in tomorrow. Ordered the Ghost of Kyiv kit the other day as half proceeds go to support the war effort ..
Pretty cool ;)

And hey...Mr. Packy and the few pieces of Ukrainian candy are back too!
The Ghost of Kyiv made port 13 July 2022. 4 days shy of a calendar month form when I placed the order. Considering this particular hobby shop is in a war zone, I view this kind of service as excellent!

About the Kit: Fine engraved panel lines and crisp molding with almost no flash are present. Having had a few of ICM's 1/48 scale airplane models, I hoped the parts breakdown would not be overly complex. The 1/72 MiG-29 seems to be a rather straight forward kit, instead of the "everything is a part" approach of larger scale ICM kits.
Here's the crown jewel of the Ghost kit! Digital camo and Ukraine Air Force decals! The dandy little package of local sweets in a nice touch!
Packaging was adequate. It seems Andrew and Artem have shipped a few packages before. My order included another model and a decal sheet for A-20G Havocs. Clever guys broke down the P-43 Lancer box and fit everything inside the Ghost of Kyiv kit!
The "Smuggler of Kyiv" as well then?

Do ya wanna see the Dora Wings 1/72 P-43 Lancer kit too?


As fine and detailed an airplane model kit as a Man could ask for! A cute little P/E fret and masks, Crystal clear windscreen and canopy. Cockpit details for go the need to scratch-build or make many additions. The turbosupercharger is a separate part (It's just what I need to mold for my 1/72
YP-37 vac conversion!) Engine details include a separate ignition ring, exhaust collector ring and magneto! Not much of this minute detail will be visible after the engine is installed.

Dora Wings toolings and styrene parts are on a par with a much larger scale kit. This is a beautiful airplane model!! Mongo Impressed!!

The Decal sheet covers markings for 4 Lancers from 1941 to 1943. The P-43 I want to make is the one Robert L. Scott flew (almost) to the top of Mount Everest in the CBI.

At this time you may find my 1/72 Special Hobby and Airmodel Vac-form 1/72 P-43 Lancers available on Hobby Swap.
Yes friends, for once I WILL be building the better model, rather than the nostalgic, old-tool (turd) kit.

My hat is off the PM Store guys in embattled Kyiv, Ukraine! I will be putting together a care package for them in the near future.
The TLAR Models shrink-ray would be of great use to these Men, but I doubt it would make it through Customs.
We're in cahoots with the Indianola Hy-Vee store. We're shipping good coffee to the PM Store.

The Havoc decal sheet too?


Foxbot decals are amazing. The price was very reasonable!

Thanks again for enduring another of my lengthy posts!