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Dragon Panzerspahwagen P204 (f) Update 3/1/17

Iron Mike

Master At Arms And Resident Curmudgeon
Hello friends!

I decided I needed another project to have on the bench whilst waiting on the painting of my Krupp Morser, so I dug deep in the stash for something that would go together well and was unusual. It doesn't get much more unusual than the Dragon Imperial Series Panzerspahwagen P204 (f). An armored, wheeled recon vehicle, this saw action on the Eastern Front (Klink!). Here's what happened at my bench today.

If you have paid any attention to my builds, you know crummy parts make me crazy! The guns on this kit are marginal at best, so I made one of my own to replace the machine gun. The kit part had a big sink hole in the backside and did not have a hole in the barrel. Knowing it would be next to impossible to drill the tiny hole in the barrel, I whipped out the Griffon Model brass tube and a piece of spare sprue at the correct diameter and made my own.


Being a recon vehicle, this thing has a crazy antenna and the kit doesn't provide the wiring (although they do show the wiring on their paint diagram). I swapped out the connector for another homegrown part, brass tube and lead foil strips.


I trimmed the foil hanger straps to length and installed the part on the hull with CA.


A length of .015 silver solder was glued in for the antenna lead.



Bent to shape with tweezers and trimmed to fit.



The kit goes together pretty easily, although there are no part numbers on the sprue, so referring back to the sprue diagram is necessary.


That pesky gap at the port rear must be dealt with swiftly and severely!





That's all for today, I'll assemble the halo antenna and install it before priming the hull. Thanks for dropping in! :ro:

Dragon Panzerspahwagen P204 (f)

Excellent work Mike! Those improvements really do pop. I always loved these little vehicles, it's good to see one being built.
Dragon Panzerspahwagen P204 (f)

That's not the 8Rad...know what, think I got some resin wheels for this.

did some googlin', nope, I got wheels for the 6 wheeled one.
Dragon Panzerspahwagen P204 (f)

I'm good on wheels, but the guns sucked. The kit canon isn't great, but was better than the MG. Going to knock this one out and move on. :good:
Dragon Panzerspahwagen P204 (f)

You sure this is not a snap tite :rotf Sure went together quick (y)

Cheers, Christian B)
Dragon Panzerspahwagen P204 (f)

It's funny how much one can accomplish without the distractions of the day. :laugh:

More to come.

Dragon Panzerspahwagen P204 (f)

Nice start and nice scratching. Will watch what you do with this :D
Dragon Panzerspahwagen P204 (f)

Hello again, my friends! Thank you to all who took time to check this out, I appreciate it! Last seesion left us with very little to assemble, but that step was kind of tricky! The halo antenna took a little figuring out and some scratch building. The bracket on the turret has to allow the turret to rotate, so careful application of glue was foremost. There is a ring that ties the three legs together and I promptly broke it while trying to remove the gigantic sprue attachment points. D'oh! :frantic I pulled out a coil of silver wire I had in the drawer and made a replacement.



I think it looks better than the part I broke.

The front fenders needed some massaging and a dab of filler to make them fit, in the process, I lost the raised bead. SO, I dug out the itsy bitsy half round styrene and made a couple beads.


Moving on, I installed the antenna wire.


After taking photos, I have decided I don't like the twisted wire on the uprights, I'll swap that for some lead foil strap.



The halo is still loose at the back, I'm thinking I'll wait until all the painting and such is done to bond it to the rear uprights.


Next stop, PRIMER!

Thanks for coming by.

Dragon Panzerspahwagen P204 (f)

Nice work Mike.... (y) Even if the original item reminds me of people messing around with rabbit ears .

When does the tin foil come out :laugh:

Cheers, Christian B)
Dragon Panzerspahwagen P204 (f) Update 2/1/17

That's superb work, wasn't expecting that at all :good: - So is that a (captured) Panhard armoured car ??, looks like it.

Dragon Panzerspahwagen P204 (f) Update 2/1/17

Thanks, guys! We went gray overnight. :coolio





Tamiya German Grey. Tires are Tamiya Nato Black. Waiting on things to dry before adding filters and such.

Thanks for coming by. :drinks
Dragon Panzerspahwagen P204 (f) Update 2/1/17

Stunning work Mike! Your extra work really does improve things immensly.
Dragon Panzerspahwagen P204 (f) Update 2/1/17

Thanks! After looking at this for a few days, I decided to add some panel highlights. A couple drops of buff and a drop of white added to the German grey, thinned heavily with Tamiya lacquer thinner.


The antenna is still left loose, so I can remove the turret.


A bit of touch up and then on to the filters.

Wheels coated with XF22 clear in prep for the dark wash.


That's all to report for today, more to come this weekend.

Dragon Panzerspahwagen P204 (f) Update 2/1/17

:coolio Looks like progress . Waiting on more :popcorn

Cheers, Christian B)
Dragon Panzerspahwagen P204 (f) Update 2/7/17

Looking really good there Mike. Loving it.