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DH9A Ninak


Well I have been put off modern Russian stuff temporarily. The paint job sucks on my T-64 and I can get no help from the company on what went wrong. I am also Fokkered out. 4 almost in a row was just too much. so the 4th one is put away for later. I have a Mig to do and a 104 but they just aren't tugging at the heart strings right now. So back to WWI and as far away from Fokkers as a bullet can be lobbed I picked the De Havilland 9A from the pile. Considered doing the 9, but this caught my attention more. Its the WNW kit in 1/32


and at this moment I am thinking this one.


DH9A E8483 “1F”, 99 Sqn, Oct 1918. From Wikipedia "What would later become No. 99 (Madras Presidency) Squadron was originally formed at Yatesbury, Wiltshire in England on 15 August 1917 from elements supplied by No. 13 Training Squadron, RFC. It was equipped with de Havilland DH.9 bombers in 1918, deploying to France to form part of the Independent Air Force, the RAF's strategic bombing force. It flew its first mission on 21 May, and continued to take part in large scale daylight raids against targets in Germany, sustaining heavy losses both due to the unreliable nature of the DH.9 and heavy German opposition. As an example, during one raid against Saarbrücken on 31 July 1918, seven out of nine aircraft from 99 Squadron were shot down.[1][8] 99 Squadron was withdrawn from the front line on 25 September to be re-equipped with de Havilland DH.9A bombers, and it was still being in the process of converting when the First World War ended. During the first World War it had taken part in 76 bombing raids, dropping 61 tons of bombs and claiming 12 German aircraft, of which eight alone on the raid of 31 July.[1][8] In 1919 it was sent to India, flying patrols over the North-West Frontier from Mianwali and Kohat during the Mahsud and Waziristan campaigns.[1] It was disbanded by being renumbered to No. 27 Squadron RAF on 2 April 1920.[8][9]"

I started the bombs this morning more to see if I was interested or not and then the engine. Pics later. I have studied Mr Ts build and another build to see if there were any traps or anything and it looks like a straight through build. After looking at Terries build and figuring how I would do the engine I realized that you wont see it with the cowlings on and so there wont be any extra work there. Hope to take some pics later today you this week. Hope I can keep up the enthusiasm also.

Sharp looking crate, is this one that uses the aerodynamic rigging? my question on using that stuff is how do you keep the airfoil shape oriented correctly without losing your flippin' mind?
Sharp looking crate, is this one that uses the aerodynamic rigging? my question on using that stuff is how do you keep the airfoil shape oriented correctly without losing your flippin' mind?

Close your eyes and use the "Force" (y) (may it be forever with you) :D

:popcorn :drinks
I (dimly) remember a 1:32 9-ack at the last UK Nationals I went to in 2011. H*ll of an impressive beastie... (Really), hope this one works-out for you, James.

The British used a double wire run instead of single cables. And then a sleeve over them. That and the wire was more airfoil shaped instead of round. So it will always be properly oriented.
Hope this works out also. Going to be trying some new things on it Ian. Aviattic has just released new decals and I have a CDL sheet and a PC 10 sheet coming. I am hoping that I can replicate the cloth areas and painted areas properly. We'll see how it goes.
I'm really interested in what that CDL sheet looks like. Didn't know they have that, I'm never going to finish the Eindecker for getting new things for it. :bang head
Yes they have 60 new sheets. You will have to write them though as it is taking a bit to get the web site updated. They have PC10 and PC12 in a few different shades and I think about 5 shades of CDL? Give a call out to Richard and he can tell you more. I have a sampler at the moment and it looks awesome. I have 3 sets of fitted Roland D.VI coming as well as a late version of the PC10 (darker) and a sheet of CDL. Kind of excited to try them. Ordered a Lewis gun and a Vickers for this as well from Gas Patch. Their guns are incredible. So detailed. Not sure what I am doing about rigging though.
Chris I think you would be hooked if you did a WNW kit. With your mad skills and their quality I'm thinking the WOW factor would be through the roof.
I'm sure James :) I always admire them at the shows :drinks

They do however require a lot of things I currently don't have. The most problematic one being extra space to put them up :vmad

Cheers, Christian B)
Okay the promised pictures. Got some engine work done and some bombs made. Painted a base coat of Tamiya XF-63 desert yellow yesterday. This morning I did some oil work with burnt sienna and yellow ochre. When that dries I will go over with clear yellow which should tone it down a bit and make it look varnished.






They kinda look like the type of bombs Snidely Whiplash whould be tossin' around. :pilot

Good start James. :popcorn
Thanks guys.

:( Well got to doing some decaling today. One of the instruments would not settle in so I used a bit of setting solution and then rolled a q-tip over it so soak up the excess. And now I have only a partial decal. The rest went with the q-tip. Kind of took the wind out of my sail. Will have to look and see if I have some replacement instruments that look the same. I painted some other wood parts with a base coat as I missed some on the last round. Was going to do inside the fuselage as well. As I write this I just realized I didnt do the fuselage. Oh well, maybe next week. I'm not going to touch anything else today incase I do something stupider :(
Oh yeah,breaking decals...another source of frustration indeed.
I once had a decal sheet and each and every decal broke or dissolved. :idonno

Hang in there James!
