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Da Doors

Prop Duster

I have once again charged off into a new frontier - for me. The model (Revell, box scale, White Motors tank truck)

came with a very nice bunch of cab parts. But 'cause I cant leave well enough alone. :bang head I had to cut one of the cab doors out.

So here's the problem: :idonno How do I make those wire hinges that I have seen, but never paid attention to? I know they have a bend in them, in some way :blink but why? how? what for?

General guidance is good if you could.

Very interesting problem, Steve you would have to make, a depression in door frame, but think about using some of the clear packaging that all our stuff comes with now days. Fold some tiny hinges, two loops of brass wire, with a hinge pin would work, there's plenty of car guys here, another option, would be your LHS may have a old NASCAR model, they're not too proud of, that you could steal the hood or trunk hinges from, then all the other bits go in the bit bucket. Let me think on it some more, I'll see what else I can come up with. :hmmm
I checked on U-Tube lots of vid's out there, Here's one, I'm sure there's more.


This one will get you started, more show up I'm sure there's a way to make them operational, lot's of vid's out there. Good luck Steve
Thing to keep in mind guys this looks like it is a "TINY" model along the lines of 1/43 scale or maybe smaller. Look at the upper right corner of the above photo and see the cab sides.
A solid set of hinges with the door open? :idonno
That why I suggested using & watching U tube vids for direction one thing one would have to do is cut the inside door frame out of the interior tub also. since this is a Box scale there is no telling what size it is as the model is made to fit the box.
Swordsman,135engineer,Heavens Eagle; Gentlemen, Many thanks for the responses. :good: :good: :good:
Yeah, Paul this thing is about ??ish scale. The cab side measures 1 1/2" front to back, the doors are just at 1" wide. So the usual video fix's (thank you Swordsman) wont exactly make it happen either. Sooo, guess I'll have to put my [strike]procrastinating[/strike] -er- Thinking cap back on a figure a one-off. :frantic :zen

Gonna go an' put the welding torch and bolt cutters away, as I guess I'll be using slightly smaller material. Darn, I was looking forward to cracking on the gas :stinker welder......Oh Well :blink
If those ideas wont work how about some aluminum tape *used for ductwork. Cut a small rectangle and use that. Not going to hold up to multiple closes but should do.
Or better get 2 pieces of micro tubing (Albion is my fave. Ine that slides into another. Cut the larger to the size you need and glue to the door and frame. Slide the smaller in and then cut to size. Just use plug the ends of the bigger tubes so the smaller wont escape and voila.
James, you must be looking over my shoulder, :eek:hmy: I was just staring at my roll of HVAC Metal Foil Tape. :v
Although, the sliding tube idea has an attractive sound.
Many thanks :good:

For the work in progress build report, See:


Thank You
Well that's smaller than I thought, the metal foil should work great. or the clear plastic that comes with the stuff you buy. I find many uses for it, windows for buildings, that aren't a scale 1 foot thick, cut twice the size of hinge fold in half and Bob's your Uncle. A hinge is born


This one is very good, and I think it is the one your thinking of.