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By way of introduction...


Well-known member
...Hello folks.

Jus' arrived here at MA via many, many other forums past and present. I've posted a wee bit about m'self in the intro thread, but decided I'd let my most recent builds, and current projects have a say for themselves.

So without any more jaw-jaw, (deep breath) here they are:



Monogram 89/91 Chevy Lumina with kit decals for Derrike Cope's 1990 car - the one he won that years' Daytona 500 with, on the last corner of the last lap. If you know NASCAR you'll know this car !! - Started over ten years ago, and finished in August this year !!



Monogram again, this time the 88/90 Buick Regal. Decals are by Fred Cady and a direct replacement for the ones supplied with the kit. This one is also wearing Powerslide tyre decals. This was the very first NASCAR kit I ever bought/built back in 1991. Can't honestly remember when I re-bought it, but I began it in July and finished it around six weeks ago.




Yes it's Monogram again !! - this time the later 93/94 boxing of the Chevy Lumina. This time a BGN car which should be running a V6... mine isn't because when I bought the Slixx decals I didn't realise this was a Busch series car, I just liked the colours !!. Ahhh well it's a hobby not life'n death, right ??. Dale Jarrets' ride from the 1994 season, and the first one I got (almost) completely right in terms of colours for the running-gear, suspension and motor.

And on the bench right now... These three:


Harry Gants' 88 Chevy Monte Carlo


A 99 Ford Taurus in deep metallic blue, but I'm keeping schtum on this for now :hmmm



and finally; a '66 GTO.

So that's my intro. I'll post the progress pics as I make, well... progress. For all my builds, I'm happy to take all comments, queries, criticism and suggestions. Unlikely to get offended by anything (I've heard it all before on other sites over the years), and always willing to learn and adapt.

AFN, thanks for taking the time to look.

Welcome! What are your plans for the Poncho? The roundy rounds are looking good too. (y)
Ok Ian, that GTO is looking good so far. What color are you planning for that little beast. I like how the engine is turning out so far I do like the looks of those NASCAR models as well.

It's already painted, what you see are two coats of Humbrol 'Ivory' enamel. I spray my enamels cut roughly 60/40 with cellulose thinners through my Iwata BR at around 15-17psi. Gives a superb glossy finish.

Thanks to all who've commented. Very friendly site you have here. I'll begin a new thread for the GTO, save's clogging-up this one.

See you in the new thread. :drinks
