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Bf109 E4b Dragon 1/32

Now, what could be funnier than a German gun sight described in French :nothingtoad .

Looking very nice James. Great pictures also .

Cheers, Christian B)
Greetings ME-109 fans;

I was doing some digging in the archives last night and ran
across this. The two wheels on the port side of the pilots
seat. One I already knew what it was. It is the elevator
trim wheel. The other wheel on the fuselage side, believe it
or not it is the emergency landing gear extension wheel.
Chain operated you can lower, and raise the landing gear,
without the use of the hydraulic system......... :D

Old dogs can still learn.... :mpup

... :idonno ... :pilot ...

James, are you going to build this opened up or buttoned up ? I have mine nearly assembled and have some suggestions if you intend to do it all buttoned up with respect to not following the instructions and what you may face in the way of assembly issues.
James, are you going to build this opened up or buttoned up ? I have mine nearly assembled and have some suggestions if you intend to do it all buttoned up with respect to not following the instructions and what you may face in the way of assembly issues.

Mine will be buttoned up. From what I've heard if you dont put everything on the engine it should fit. Any advice you have on it though will be quite welcome. I already screwed up once with the instrument panel.

Alright, here are my thoughts from what I experienced. The instructions will screw you up if you do it their way. Here are my suggestions.
1. Don't attach the cockpit to the lower fuselage like the instructions show, the pins are too loose and it forces you to attach it when you close the fuselage, which in turn hides the mounting sockets for the engine bearers making that installation, that much tougher. It can also effect the wing fit !
2. Test fit the cowling over the gun bay early on, don't know if it was me or the kit but my cowl would not fully seat without carving away part of the guns back of the barrels. The gun barrels seem to align properly with the holes in the forward cowl so I'm thinking it's kit issue.
3. Glue the wings to the fuselage prior to installing the lower fuselage piece, I found that with the lower fuselage piece in place, I got a gap at the forward part of the wing join. Glue the upper edge of the wing and flow some glue back into the spar slots and let cure thoroughly, the wings fit well done this way and should require no filler.
4. On the engine assembly attach the three duct work pieces to the lower cowling rather than trying to attach them to the oil cooler per instructions. They drop right into place in the cowl and you can glue them from the inside, no glue marks outside and no fiddly fit when you install the lower cowl.
5. Attach the engine assembly prior to installing both the upper cowl over the gun bay and the lower fuselage piece so as to have access to the engine bearer mounting sockets, if you don't you be installing them blind.
6. Once that is done then install the bottom fuselage piece, I found I needed to sand both the front edges a bit to get it to fit. That is what was causing the wing gap. You can now install the cowl over the gun bay. I found that thinning the rear edge over the instrument panel helped the fit here as well.
7. Expect to have a gap between the forward cowl and the cowl over the gun bay, you may not but it seems to be the norm. I plan to just add a thin piece of styrene to the rear of the main cowl and cut and sand to fit.

In any case test fit, test fit, test fit. Again this has been my experience yours may differ.

One other thing while I'm thinking of it, I lost both of the plastic pins for the outer aileron hinge, damn things are to small to get a grip on, I ended up holding the mounting bracket on a sticky side up piece of tape and used a small piece of solder through the bracket trapping the mounting piece. I then used super glue (thick) to hold the solder on the outside of the bracket. When the glue dried I cut off the excess solder. On the middle hinge, rather than try gluing the three pieces of PE together per instructions, mount the one piece in the aileron, the other in the flap and trap the mounting piece between them when you install them on the wing.

I have some photos but they are still in the camera, I'll try to post some tomorrow if it would help. All in all I'm pleased with the overall fit but there are a few aggravations to over come. I hope this helps !
Okay OD have printed out the instructions. Part 1 = darn, too late, part 3 darn too late. Will try the rest. Thanks (y) (y)
Greetings Old Dog;

...... Thanks for the heads up. I will be starting on my
Dragon BF-109, in the next couple days.

.............. :D :D :D :D ...........

By the way, are you going to build one of the Dragon's 1/32nd scale
ME-110s .... ? ..... I was wondering how the model kit looks.


Mike, it's not in the cards, for size purposes I'm trying to stick with single engine builds in 1/32.

James, I not going to hijack your thread, I'm building mine for a group build over on Swanny's, if you want to see some photos go here 109 in group build and scroll down to the photos, I just posted some today, one shows the cowl gap you end up with unless you do some additional butchering. Everything else except the gun bay cowl and the bottom piece fit quite nicely.
Thanks OD. Interesting read. I'll refer to it as I go along. Havent hit the work bench in a few days. Really need to get my mojo back.
Great progress in cockpit James! :drinks I realy like 109 Emils, have two in stash (Tamiya E3/4).


All the best!
Okay just dodged the bullet by a hair. I started putting the engine block together, added the major parts. I am going to leave off the accessories as they will not be seen. Cut out the engine bearers and glued on, no brainer :rotf . So now I'm just dry fitting the engine to the fuse to see what all the hub bub is about. Hm doesnt fit too well. Seems big. Okay maybe there is more to add first. No, dont see it. Okay well I'll do the side panels with the exhaust stacks and see what happens. Read instructions, exhausts are on a different sprue. Thought these ones looked weird. On the different sprue are the Bf 109 bearers. WTH?? Oh damn, I glued on the Bf 110 bearers. Okay pry off and sigh of relief that the tenax hadnt fully dried yet. Very close call. New engine mounts on and it fits much better. Next problem. Cut out the proper exhausts and filed down. They have sprue gates on the exhaust side and in sanding them off you sand off the welds that are supposed to be there. Not too happy, but it shouldnt be too hard to add new seams. More later.

I got those Archer transfers for weld seams. haven't had much chance to use them but this sounds like opportune time for them.
Come on then James....lets not get too hasty here :laugh: we dont want to rush things ;)
Was going to use RB seat belts for this, but instead will put a set of Fine Molds belts in. I just have to do a wash on them to hi-lite the fine detail.


