I often wonder about interior colours, i remember seeing the ~Royal navy museums Wildcat and the cockpit was black, panels, seat, interior walls everything. This is an aircraft like a time capsule. When they stripped back the last RN paint job they found the colours Grumman used for its delivery to the Royal navy and there were no official records of this scheme, just one old colour image
If you look carefully its a 2 colour camo in a sort of green and blue.
when they stripped the over paint off the museum aircraft they found these colours preserved so they did the restoration in them
its pretty much correct, some is restored some is original like parts of the tail and wing
the point is its a classic example how even in 2015 they still were only discovering original paint finishes and as far as i know, and i saw this aircraft before and after restoration the interior was all matt black with heavy chipping

, although the navy very likely repainted the outside to navy colours its unlikely they ever painted the inside.
The other thing of note was how crude it was inside,, nuts ,bolts ,rivets ,clocks on home made brackets ,stuck where ever there was a space, replacement parts jammed in gaps and large gaps everywhere. If someone had said oh its a standard instrument panel used in all fighters just cut to fit with the bits they cut off rivetted somewhere else you would see what they meant
