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bad PE day....


Well-known member
working on the afv-club Sig33 gun and now the clamps for the rod are going to cause me a bad case of wanting to throw something out the window! :angry:
Don't understand how you do those small things, you have 3 hands? i seem to miss that :hmmm
well i'll try to calm down and give it one more try and if it doesn't go i have to use the plastic part... :(
Please calm down,I guess EVERYONE working with Photo Etch will have this frustration!
[Only the ones who have 3 hands don't]:laugh:

In my opinion PE parts can be great for using toolclamps and other stuff....but sometimes PE does not have the right thickness on the model you are building,and then it is better to use the original kit part.

Just take your time and don't rush things.{this is a HOBBY you know}.

Try taking some tape sticky side up or that blue sticky stuff to hold the piece in place while working on it. Ones assembled... no help on the prospect of tweezer launch.
Managed to get the clamps in place but not sure they look like they are supposed to, used the blue sticky stuff :) and thank god no tweezer catapult this time!!
Something I have thought about but never tried is to dip tweezer tips in melted candle wax. Just a thin coat. I think that would provide a little more grip than metal on metal. As I said I dont know if that would help. I know in the airforce we would dip the tip of a screwdriver in a tin of beeswax and attach a screw to get at really difficult to reach places. One day I might try this.
James, you don't want to use Magnetic tweezers??


Sorry buddy...couldn't resist that one... :lol: