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All Righty ... What's on the bench today?

All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Finally getting some time at my bench.

The last several days at work have been super hectic & stressful, and I think I'm finally beginning to kinda come down off of that a bit, at least enough to relax enough to feel like doing some modeling. Managed to piss my boss off at work yesterday, so that kinda ramped up the stress levels to 11. Messed up designing a production mold that apparently costs several thousand dollars, and needless to say he wasn't happy about that.
All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Happy New Year everyone! I spent the eve watching sone DVDs and then toasted missing friends and loved ones with a small glass of wine. Then off to the sack and crashed for a decent nite sleep.

Went to Best Buy earlier and picked up a matching bluetooth keyboard to go with the Galaxy S tablet my brother gave me for Christmas. Then to start migrating over from the old ASUS that is a little tempermental.

Going to go home and force myself to sit down and build something. Once I get started all will be well, it's just the getting started that pokes the finger in the eye. :bang head

Think it will be time to pull out an old CD player and just listen to some audio books. No TV, no distractions.

Hope everyone that is under the weather gets to feeling better quickly!
All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Happy New Year! It's an amphibious kind of day.

All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

I'm getting ready to snip the cooling gill ring off the IAR- send zen!
All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

You da Man! :zen :zen :zen :zen :zen :zen :zen :zen

Meanwhile, We are preparing to decorate the spare bedroom.... bought a new carpet, furniture will be brought in from the garage tomorrow and the new mattress and innerspring will also arrive....

Gotta make some more time for the bench
All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Have fun, Barney!

Thanks, Tony and Mr B- the problem is multi-fold. I mounted the ring too far back- by 1/16 of an inch or so. That makes the gap between the gills and the cowl dome too wide, and the gap between the gills and the fuselage is too small for the exhaust pipes to exit. If that wasn't bad enough, the little vee struts block the pipes in 5 out of 7 places. A new pattern has just been printed up, and I'll test it with a paper pattern before I make ring #4. I must be out of my mind! :gogo
All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

And I thought I as crazy rigging turnbuckles. :zen :zen :zen :zen :zen :zen
All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

You can do it Chuck! You are a Master.

I just finished dropping off a sample to the doctor, hoping they can analyze it to find out what kind of stones I have. Spent the whole day New Years Day dealing with one that finally came out 18 hours later. My appointment is on Monday to see what I can do. I hate this! Everything I'm supposed to eat to maintain my diabetes and lose weight is the same thing causing my stones! Everything I'm supposed to eat to avoid stones make me overweight and spikes my blood sugar! Somebody just shoot me now! :tomato
All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Jeez, Mark- that sounds like you're deep in the No Fun Zone! Here's some for you- :zen :zen :zen :zen

Well, the pipes fit now- hallelujah! Now for the nailbiting part: clipping the gills free of the model without destroying either. Gulp!
All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Yes I am Chuck, but I'm going to get through it. Now to go check out the pics of your latest progress on your thread. You did post them haven't you? Or are the ladies off shopping or something, making them unavailable for posing with your plane?
All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Nothing posted yet- I want to get this straightened out first. The aim is to get the whole engine glued on for the next update, and there will be (hopefully) just one left after that. Get better, my friend!
All Righty ... What are you doing today ?


I hear you loud and clear about food and diabetes.

I am a meat and potatoes guy and the diet is not conducive to my preferred lifestyle. I hate being forced to choose my sugar fix for the day. I hate not being able to stop by the donut shop and get a morning fat pill... I hate that the damn medication has caused me to loose 40+ pounds. I was down, at one time, from 190 to 148!

Carol (wife) has had 3 kidney stones, all conveniently centered around new years and my birthday. There she was, in a long flimsy gown, a wine glass in her hand, the come hither look in her eyes, and BAM! the next thing we are in the ambulance headed for the hospital! The BnB owners felt so bad the refunded us half the cost of the room.
All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

I hate the thought of any kidney stones at all .

I have seen more than one grown man in tears because of that . I bet you were too.

Is she ok now ?

Cheers, Christian B)
All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Diabetes stinks (my favorite foods wise) weight loss is still a lost art to me (stupid play on words :pinch: )
Stones? geesh it sounds like we gotta a rock garden going on here. So with all that and chukw getting his pipes in order-so's to speak- :D this is getting to be a real fun thread :bang head :blink

Regardless! to all my friends on the forum both known and unknown, Happy New Year! And may your glue only go where needed, while the parts fit as they should and the paint is always be the correct color, for this year .
All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Diabetes stinks (my favorite foods wise) weight loss is still a lost art to me (stupid play on words :pinch: )
Stones? geesh it sounds like we gotta a rock garden going on here. So with all that and chukw getting his pipes in order-so's to speak- :D this is getting to be a real fun thread :bang head :blink

Regardless! to all my friends on the forum both known and unknown, Happy New Year! And may your glue only go where needed, while the parts fit as they should and the paint is always be the correct color, for this year .

(y) (y) (y) and may there be no unplanned launches :D
All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Oh what a day I had yesterday :facepalm

Started off Saturday early with a drive to Denver to pickup Grace from my parents. Now we knew weather was going to move in in the afternoon between Denver CO and Goodland KS. So we had drop a bunch of plans for some shopping (Colpar Hobbies was one :( ). The morning drive was great little traffic on I-70, sun out and you could see for miles. Around Arriba CO I could see Pikes Peak. That is about 100 miles out, never seen it from so far out before.

you can see it along the horizon, westbound I-70

Pickup Grace, packed the car, and stopped to see the in-laws. Well it started to snow there so we then grabbed some food, go-go juice, a quick stop at Lowes and hit the road. East of Byers CO the weather started to get worse. :bang head


After making a pit stop in Limon CO weather seemed to start to back off with very little wind and I thought "Alright we are getting ahead of the storm" well it just got worse about five miles east of Limon. Not to long after that I thought "where did all the trucks go." :rotf

The next couple pictures I snapped were taken when I thought it was kinda safe to do so.
eastbound I-70 approximately the same spot the Pikes Peak picture was taken 5 hours earlier

more shots along the way eastbound I-70


There was a number of times it was total white out could not even see the hood of the car. I later learned that the winds were around 50 MPH at times. We made it to Stratton CO and the State closed I-70. I took a state highway for another 15 miles and stopped in Burlington CO (this is 30 miles from home) The wife had had enough and insisted on stopping for the night. We were lucky (I think) to get a room at a motel best described as a never ever stay at until a time like this. The room had no cold water as the pipes were frozen and snow blew in around the door :rotf It was better taht sliding off the road and having to spend it in a ditch or worse. About three in the morning I learned I-70 again was open. Loaded back up and got home about an hour later to some very happy dogs.
at the motel about 1630 hours
All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Man I remember that back when I was at Lowery AFB in Aurora CO, got up for formantion and it was a beautiful morning. I suggested to our "Rope" that we leave our field jackets, he said he's seen it before, sure nuff, on the march back it was blizzard and of course he had to pull an "I told you so". :rotf

Be careful on the ride home Jeff.