All Righty ... What are you doing today ?
Oh what a day I had yesterday :facepalm
Started off Saturday early with a drive to Denver to pickup Grace from my parents. Now we knew weather was going to move in in the afternoon between Denver CO and Goodland KS. So we had drop a bunch of plans for some shopping (Colpar Hobbies was one

). The morning drive was great little traffic on I-70, sun out and you could see for miles. Around Arriba CO I could see Pikes Peak. That is about 100 miles out, never seen it from so far out before.
you can see it along the horizon, westbound I-70
Pickup Grace, packed the car, and stopped to see the in-laws. Well it started to snow there so we then grabbed some food, go-go juice, a quick stop at Lowes and hit the road. East of Byers CO the weather started to get worse.
After making a pit stop in Limon CO weather seemed to start to back off with very little wind and I thought "Alright we are getting ahead of the storm" well it just got worse about five miles east of Limon. Not to long after that I thought "where did all the trucks go."
The next couple pictures I snapped were taken when I thought it was kinda safe to do so.
eastbound I-70 approximately the same spot the Pikes Peak picture was taken 5 hours earlier
more shots along the way eastbound I-70
There was a number of times it was total white out could not even see the hood of the car. I later learned that the winds were around 50 MPH at times. We made it to Stratton CO and the State closed I-70. I took a state highway for another 15 miles and stopped in Burlington CO (this is 30 miles from home) The wife had had enough and insisted on stopping for the night. We were lucky (I think) to get a room at a motel best described as a never ever stay at until a time like this. The room had no cold water as the pipes were frozen and snow blew in around the door

It was better taht sliding off the road and having to spend it in a ditch or worse. About three in the morning I learned I-70 again was open. Loaded back up and got home about an hour later to some very happy dogs.
at the motel about 1630 hours