All Righty ... What are you doing today ?
Way to go Ryan! :drinks
Way to go Ryan! :drinks
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Autumn Fun Day...
You didn't put your graffiti in the corner of that artwork did ya Saul?
Autumn Fun Day!... The PC police are in control...
I'm a history teach and an Anglican (Catholic Light). All Hallows is based on the ancient Celtic celebration of Samhain.
December 25 was chosen so that Romans could more easily assimilate to the new faith and because there was a huge Roman celebration (Saturnalia) around that time. The Church was very good about mixing Christian and pagan celebrations and ceremonies together to make it easier for the unbelievers to assimilate.
I see this whole thing as a stupid attempt by a few sour, bitter groups to spoil the fun. I have heard of towns where the stores cannot have a Santa Claus... What next, no fireworks on the 4th because a 3 month old baby was scared?
Od course, I am a militant at Christmas... I wish everybody a Merry Christmas... screw happy holidays