All Righty ... What are you doing today ?
Well at least y'all had a good time right?
Well at least y'all had a good time right?
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Well at least y'all had a good time right?
Went to open several bottles of paint today...
Stuff I seldom use is perfectly fine, stuff I need is shot... of course! :vmad
Hmmm.... Wednesday looks to be the earliest I can get to the LHS...
Don't want to say it, but some of these bottles are 10 years old... Damn, they just don't make paint like they used to!
Model Master & Humbrol enamels... I tried the Vallejo stuff and just could not get the feel for it...
Model Master & Humbrol enamels... I tried the Vallejo stuff and just could not get the feel for it...
Hi Barney. The old Humbrols kept very well. Mater of fact I still have some and they are quite usable.
The newer ones, not as well. As for the enamel MM. paints they have never kept for me if I opened them twice :vmad I've been told there is a way to make them keep but in my mind the top it comes in with should be sufficient :coolio
I never had a bottle of Tamiya or Gunze go bad on me and I've had some of the Gunze's for many years.
Depending which Vallejo's you use ( and how you use them ), you might need some MM acrylic thinner to thin them out a bit.
Do you airbrush or hand paint ? It migh be time to convert to Acrylics . :tomato
Cheers, Christian B)
Model Master & Humbrol enamels... I tried the Vallejo stuff and just could not get the feel for it...
Hi Barney. The old Humbrols kept very well. Mater of fact I still have some and they are quite usable.
The newer ones, not as well. As for the enamel MM. paints they have never kept for me if I opened them twice :vmad I've been told there is a way to make them keep but in my mind the top it comes in with should be sufficient :coolio
I never had a bottle of Tamiya or Gunze go bad on me and I've had some of the Gunze's for many years.
Depending which Vallejo's you use ( and how you use them ), you might need some MM acrylic thinner to thin them out a bit.
Do you airbrush or hand paint ? It migh be time to convert to Acrylics . :tomato
Cheers, Christian B)
I have some tinlets of Humbrol paints that are about 30 years old and are still used on occassion.
Cheers from Peter
We are planting a new Anglican Church here in Lakewood. Carol is the treasurer and I am Chief dog robber... Today, I replaced the 9 year old laptop we had inherited with a refurb... and spent 71 minutes talking to Skip and Pam at Windows7 Tech Support. The Product key for this computer was invalid and it took me that long to convince them I wasn't trying to get a good code for a pirated product.
Have I mentioned how much I hate Micosoft Tech Support?
We are planting a new Anglican Church here in Lakewood. Carol is the treasurer and I am Chief dog robber... Today, I replaced the 9 year old laptop we had inherited with a refurb... and spent 71 minutes talking to Skip and Pam at Windows7 Tech Support. The Product key for this computer was invalid and it took me that long to convince them I wasn't trying to get a good code for a pirated product.
Have I mentioned how much I hate Micosoft Tech Support?
We are planting a new Anglican Church here in Lakewood. Carol is the treasurer and I am Chief dog robber... Today, I replaced the 9 year old laptop we had inherited with a refurb... and spent 71 minutes talking to Skip and Pam at Windows7 Tech Support. The Product key for this computer was invalid and it took me that long to convince them I wasn't trying to get a good code for a pirated product.
Have I mentioned how much I hate Micosoft Tech Support?