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All Righty ... What's on the bench today?

All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Looking good Chuck! I wish I had the chance to post my pics from Comicon, but they are still in my stolen camera! It was great seeing you at the Con again, and thanks again for the book! Awesome, incredible artwork! I put your book on display at our gaming table for those who love illustrations, and referred at least 18 people to your booth. I told them to let you know that I sent them; don't know if anyone actually did. Still, your book was the talk of our tables.

Hopefully next year's Comicon will be better for me. The first one I went to I had my two convention T-shirts stolen; this year it was my $250.00 camera. I have another on order; it should be here next week and I can start taking pics of my WIP again.... once I find time to get back to the bench.

Chuck...I musta missed the post where your book is available online...any links brother?
All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

That's a cute kitteh! Jeeves, I'm looking into setting up a web store this weekend, just another check box on my to-do list. Stay tuned for further notices! I've got to write some follow-up notes to folks I met at ComicCon, clean the house (friends over tonight), test some liquid solder flux and write up a quick review for Aeroscale (maybe I run it here later?), etc, etc. (y)
All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Drove 360 miles today. Had me some great food at a Golden Corral at this Flying J truck stop in VA.

Sausage,pinto beans,Lima beans,cauliflower and cheese,and a soft wrap taco on the first plate.

Steak,broccoli,carrots,and Lima beans on the second plate.

Then four strawberries dipped in the white chocolate waterfall they have.

All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

HA You go Chad!

Me, I'm sitting here treatin' festerin' shingles....it ain't pretty. Think I'm going to take another pill and curl up on the couch again. :sick: :sick: :sick:
All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Festering Shingles :sick: Now there is a visual I didn't need... :laugh:

We got a majority of the stuff moved last night... The guys moving me pooped out and couldn't move the 400lb cabinet... plus a bunch of jibbly stiff has to boxed up and moved this week...

Have I mentioned that I hate moving... really!

Carol and I drove to the base this morning and got her an ID card and enrolled her in DEERS... It is official... she has her ID card for the BX, MWR & Commisary.
All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

I am battling with 3 cursed airbrushes today. Trying to throw some paint on a Trumpeter Type 99 155mm howitzer. My Badger blows air but doesn't suck up paint, the Iwata Revolution sputters and the trigger is sticky ( even though I took it apart twice) and the Iwata NEO is to small for large area painting. And on top one of the paints I needed was dried up and enough enough of the other one. But other than that is was a great day.
All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Grace talked me into entering some models in the Sherman County Fair this year. I hear (and seen by people sending me pictures) that one got a big purple ribbon.

All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

So Sherman won a competition with a Sherman in Sherman :geek
Congrats (y)
All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Congrats on the Sherman , Sherm ! (y)

Just how far would you have to go to enter a panzer ? :rotf

Cheers, Christian B)
All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

I am battling with 3 cursed airbrushes today. Trying to throw some paint on a Trumpeter Type 99 155mm howitzer. My Badger blows air but doesn't suck up paint, the Iwata Revolution sputters and the trigger is sticky ( even though I took it apart twice) and the Iwata NEO is to small for large area painting. And on top one of the paints I needed was dried up and enough enough of the other one. But other than that is was a great day.

Badger does offer lifetime guaranty on all it's products.
Check out here, http://www.badgerairbrush.com/Service-Supprt.asp
Just send it to them with a note on what's wrong and they will fix it and send back to you no charge.

I don't have the other brands so no help there.
All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Have you ever used the Iwata Super Lube? It works amazingly well for lubricating the needle & the trigger. My Iwata HP-CS came w/ some when I got it but I never replaced it when I used up the tiny tube.

A few weeks ago I ordered a tube since I had to order a couple new parts for my HP-CS, and I've been using it ever since, and I have to say it makes a huge difference in how the brush feels. The action of the trigger is much smoother. Air flow and paint flow are both must nicer.

I got my tube from Coast Aibrush. Its $6.95 for a .33 fl oz tube, that should last a pretty long time since you only put a couple of drops on the needle when cleaning. I'll put one or two drops on the base of the trigger when I completely break it down for cleaning.

I am battling with 3 cursed airbrushes today. Trying to throw some paint on a Trumpeter Type 99 155mm howitzer. My Badger blows air but doesn't suck up paint, the Iwata Revolution sputters and the trigger is sticky ( even though I took it apart twice) and the Iwata NEO is to small for large area painting. And on top one of the paints I needed was dried up and enough enough of the other one. But other than that is was a great day.
All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

You can try Regdab from Badger as a lubricant It works very well for me, I have much more control and can paint thinner lines since I started using it.
All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

My mom passed away quite peacefully this morning. She had been in hospice for a couple of months- we saw her soon after that happened. We cut that trip short to be with my wife's mom when she, too, passed. It's been quite the summer, I'll tell ya. We're okay, though- life is what happens to we mortal folk! Our moms had long and (generally) happy lives- you can't ask for more than that.
All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

So sorry to read this Chuck. Please know that you and your family will be in our thoughts and prayers.
All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Very sorry to hear this Chuck. You and Marc are in our thoughts and prayers.