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All Righty ... What's on the bench today?

All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

After a very stressful several weeks, I am looking forward to a weekend of doing as little as possible.

Tried to get some modeling done last night but just wasnt motivated to do it, and didnt want to force it. Hoping today will be better. Discovered last night, during the 5 or 6 minutes I spent in front of my bench, that the Milliput I put on my "The Scouts" figures that apparently I got my proportions wrong, as the Milliput, even after several days, is still soft enough to just scrape off w/ a fingernail, so I definitely did something wrong. So I guess I'll work on trying to gently scrape off whats on there, and then go back and try again.
All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Muchos Gracias, amigos!

Our flight was cancelled this morning... And I was steamed :vmad But I called USAir to rebook and was upgraded to first class for the next flight :yipee

This place (Valentin Imperial Maya) is great! (y) I'll post pictures and send a link.
All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

After covering extra shifts and a full moon this weekend, ( :beer ) I have chores, sleep and then bench time?! :good:

All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Condolances Adam.
Congrats Barney.
Met a moose on the way to work bright and early this morning. A young one. Unfortunately in fumbling with my cell phone I got a picture of my face and no moose.
All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Condolances Adam.
Congrats Barney.
Met a moose on the way to work bright and early this morning. A young one. Unfortunately in fumbling with my cell phone I got a picture of my face and no moose.
Some would say you still got a picture of a moose Mwhuhahahahahaha :fencing
All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Condolances Adam.
Congrats Barney.
Met a moose on the way to work bright and early this morning. A young one. Unfortunately in fumbling with my cell phone I got a picture of my face and no moose.
Some would say you still got a picture of a moose Mwhuhahahahahaha :fencing

Remember, James has admin rights also. :evil: :evil:
All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Not much bench time for me. Renee and I are fostering 3 of the 10 puppies that were dumped on the side of the street in our city. They are 2-3 weeks old now and we are bottle feeding them every 4 hours. Once they reach 5 weeks old the rescue will put them with new foster parents. We believe they are full blood pitbull pups, the colors and the markings lean that way, there are some that are brindle and a few chocolate. We have had a rash of stolen blue pits in our town and we believe that they were dumped because there were no blues and/or to get the momma to go back in to heat quicker.

This is Annie.


This is Duke.


And this is Nemo, the runt of the litter.


We were given the three smallest ones because we have more experience bottle feeding and caring for ailing animals.

Of course we have some help. Our 12 year old schnauzer Schultz is the nursery supervisor.

All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

After covering extra shifts and a full moon this weekend, ( :beer ) I have chores, sleep and then bench time?! :good:


Tim is never free ! Just like freedom is never free.... It has to be paid for continually . :soldier

Cheers, Christian B)
All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Condolances Adam.
Congrats Barney.
Met a moose on the way to work bright and early this morning. A young one. Unfortunately in fumbling with my cell phone I got a picture of my face and no moose.

I'm just glad nothing worse than that happened :)

Cheers, Christian B)
All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

On the way home I drive by the runway and it was a bit loud and busy today. Gave my cell camera a try. Not great pics I know.





All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Getting ready for ComicCon in San Diego! We'll be off Wednesday morning for 5 days of utter nerd-dom- I have my spot in Artists' Alley all ready for me to set up camp. This year I have my books and prints for sale, a 7-foot vertical banner (don't let your wives know, guys ;) ) and all the materials to sign, sketch and show of our stuff from my job at blur studio. Busy as hell getting all this together! We're staying out on Coronado Island- a real treat, especially for Marc. She'll be on the beach while I'm in a giant concrete box crammed with nerds and geeks. Oh, pity me! ;D

I did get the tail feathers drilled and pegged on the IAR, and the rings for the crankcase housing are bent and ready to be soldered into a tubular unit.

Other, not-so-happy events in my life are looming larger and larger- it all comes at once, doesn't it? I'll post and comment as I can.