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All Righty ... What's on the bench today?

All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Not up to much today. Just looking forward to going home tomorrow for the weekend. Will be bringing some modeling stuff back with me. So hopefully I will have something to do in the evenings lol.
All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Indiana tour is over, packin' up and heading south down the Dixie Highway...ok Delta Airline but same effect. Hope to get on the bench this weekend, I know the grass needs cutting so maybe Sunday will be a fun day for me. :mpup
All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

All over but the paperwork. So glad my travel season is done, it gets old real quick.

Leaving Detroit yesterday the plane stopped on the tarmac and sat. Looking out the window I could tell we're not in line on the taxiway. short time later the copilot came on, computer glitch...they were having to reboot :rotf
All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Been a real roller coaster the last few days.

Wednesday afternoon I was offered a job with a carbon fiber composites shop that I've been talking to for several weeks about working ther but they weren't ready to hire me but some things changed so they were able tilo finally hire me. Gave notice at the metal fab shop and they didnt need/want me to work any kind of notice.

This week my mother-in-law was taken to the hospital and then yesterday she was moved to hospice. While at work I got a text from my wife saying her mom had taken a turn for the worse so I had to leave early on my last day. Right now its looking likely that she'll pass in the next couple days.
All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Sorry to hear that Adam. Keeping you guys in my thoughts. In the next few weeks I will get to volunteer with the BLM to record a B-52 that crashed in 1959 during low altitude testing :geek Love my job so much :yipee Will be sure to post some photos when I get out there.
All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Been a real roller coaster the last few days.

Wednesday afternoon I was offered a job with a carbon fiber composites shop that I've been talking to for several weeks about working ther but they weren't ready to hire me but some things changed so they were able tilo finally hire me. Gave notice at the metal fab shop and they didnt need/want me to work any kind of notice.

This week my mother-in-law was taken to the hospital and then yesterday she was moved to hospice. While at work I got a text from my wife saying her mom had taken a turn for the worse so I had to leave early on my last day. Right now its looking likely that she'll pass in the next couple days.

Sorry to hear Adam . Tough road to be on.

Hope at least things work out with the job . B)
All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

No2 daughter home sick today, and the winter rain is torrential, so it's games, colouring-in and lots of this:


...and you know something, I'm loving it !! ;)

All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

No2 daughter home sick today, and the winter rain is torrential, so it's games, colouring-in and lots of this:


...and you know something, I'm loving it !! ;)


Winter!?! It's summer here :yipee :yipee Nice 85° day
All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Winter!?! It's summer here Nice 85° day

New Zealand.... we're 180deg opposite to you guys in the Northern Hemisphere. Summer there = Winter here, day there = night here, depending upon your degree off the Greenwich Meridian.


All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Okay, tuff guy- then why don't you all jus drop off into space? :gogo

Okay- we had a really nice weekend, got stuff all hammered back into place, went to the flea market this morning and GOT THE NEW GILL RING SOLDERED! Film at eleven, but it took a bit to finf that cradboard jig. I had insanely filed it in my folder of, you know, scrap paper and cardboard.

The harder I try, the behinder I get. :hmmm

Also meantime, here's the cover of my book, which should get here from Korea any day now.


Here's the best damned bar/table I've ever had the pleasure of sitting at. Cool, but not really 750 bucks cool, inmho. ;)


This, however, was easily 10 bucks cool, and just in time for the new Resicast detail set!

All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Here's the best damned bar/table I've ever had the pleasure of sitting at. Cool, but not really 750 bucks cool, inmho. ;)


Don't know, if the lights work I could see $750. :good:

And around here, John Deere would double it! Who's booth was that, these guys?

All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Busy weekend. Friday was the closing ceremonies at camp for Ian. The therapeutic riding center where Ian has therapy puts it on.


Mac wanted to know what kind of big dog that is.


Saturday the model club put in another 6 hour session on the USS Orleck's display model. We should be able to finish her in two more sessions.


Sunday was errand day. Renee bought a couple of patio chairs from a friend who is in the same therapy dog group. While we were there getting the chairs I was "mauled" by the sweetest female pitbull, Faith. Faith is a PTSD therapy dog who likes to catch frogs when she's not working.
All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Well finally got moved ! Now at work the next two days then off three and can maybe start unpacking !!! :cheer:

All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

:good: :good: :good:

Congratulations. Toughest part is completed Now try to find your stuff :rotf

Cheers, Christian B)
All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

This, however, was easily 10 bucks cool, and just in time for the new Resicast detail set!


Yes Resicast makes some really neat update and conversions for the commonwealth vehicles, saw them on the last show we attended.

Adam you and your family are in our thoughts these days, yes life is up and down that's the only thing that you can be sure of!

All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Got up around 2:30 am today,and drove from MI to PA on a load that delivers tomorrow.Then head home. :)