All Righty ... What are you doing today ?
One of my favs..

One of my favs..

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November 11. It's Remembrance Day here. Went to the Centaph for the services. Spending the rest of the day remembering old battles and having a few pints for old comrades who aren't able to have one themselves. 'tis a bittersweet day for me.
Looking at my models and figures and thinking of all that we sacrificed for freedom's call.
Cheers from Peter
Hey guys. We're still busy with the remodel but we're almost done! A couple of weeks ago we got the handicap ramp installed at the new house. We found that Ian is getting to the age where it is harder to get him around when he has a seizure, so the Office of Citizens with Developmental Delays paid for us to get a ramp.
We've also gotten to the point in the remodel that Renee and her aunt and sister can start the window treatments.
Ian's Star Wars bedroom
While that was going on I was able to get some bench time but not on a model. I'm working on the master category signs for our model club's contest in January.
Working at the house today. I sanded down the top of the $10 dining room table we bought and stained it. Got the house cleaned up and ready to host Thanksgiving dinner.