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All Righty ... What's on the bench today?

Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Spent the day Bass fishing in my kayak (That's Australian smallmouth bass) and a few cold one"s afterward's. :woohoo:
It's getting to hard to take. :D
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

I've spent the last week icing my sprained ankle. Yesterday was the first day I could walk without crutches. Today, I try driving for the first time in a week. (my truck is a standard transmission; my clutch foot was the one sprained)
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Ah !! Yess,

I spent th day at th Pool ... sippin' on some Chilly Beers. Tomorrow I'm hangin out with a couple of AMPSCV buddies to do some Modeling all Day & will convien to see some Fire Works !!

Pix will follow from Tomorrow's Build Day !
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

First day back at work after a two week sickleave (the old back is not what it used to be...) and when i come home i had a nice surprise, my dear girlfriend cleaned up the table where we build our models!!
I'm glad she also build, she knows what is garbage and what is "good to have, i put it in the sparebox" parts (y)
Now enjoying a Geuze boon and working on my Walker :drinks :soldier


Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Well checked out the museum to see if there was any damage form last nights storm. Then went by to see how bad the suspected tornado was. Environment Canada still not calling it one, but there is a path and a bunch of foot thick spruce sheared like tooth picks. Didnt go to see the housing damage because I'm sure people dont need tourists at this time. Bought a weed whacker and started doing the lawn to find I am no longer able. Arm went numb and hand swelled to double size. So now here I am relaxing and watching hand shrink back to normal. yee haw.
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

What the hell? Take it easy on that meathook, James- get help if it stays swollen for more than 4 hours!
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

What the hell? Take it easy on that meathook, James- get help if it stays swollen for more than 4 hours!

Swelling went down so being a brilliant idiot I figured I'd try and do the back yard. Guess what, same results and in less than 5 minutes. I'm frustrated that I cant even cut my own grass and disgusted that I'm stupid enough to keep trying. :bang head :bang head :bang head :bang head
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Feeling your pain, James. The last winter we were in Iowa, I couldn't shovel the snow, so had to get my son and a neighbor to do it, while I watched. I got to understand the "Teats on a boar" saying first hand.
Sorry you're having a rough go, but ease up on yourself, not like you did it on purpose! (y)
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

If it hurts when you do that, then don't do that! That's the word from my physical therapist wife, anyway. :side: I've closed up the 388 and now the woman and I will take a stroll down to the beach (45 min) to see the mobs and their tiny bikinis. Beers! Then I'll finish the post I started yesterday. Happy Fourth!
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

get help if it stays swollen for more than 4 hours!

I thought that was the warning for Viag....nevermind. Sound advice either way.

Any idea why it's doing it James?

Chuck, it must be hell to be you. B) :ro:
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Now enjoying a Geuze boon and working on my Walker :drinks :soldier


Well,if you like beer ,you moved to the right country!
So many beers to taste,Mats.

ROCHEFORT,BOON,PALM,HET ELFDE GEBOD,SATAN,BRUGSE ZOT......? [and the list goes on and on]

[mmm...sounds like the perfect European vacation country for Cheyenne] :D

Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

I thought that was the warning for Viag....nevermind. Sound advice either way.

Well Bob,I know in the English speaking part of the world,there is a saying;


Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

All this beer talk makes me thirsty !!!

To quote Dean Martin ...................

" Well now , people that don't drink , .......... " well when they get up in the morning , that's as good as they're gonna feel all day "
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

I'm glad you're all paying attention! ;)

Huh? What? :huh: :blink

Kaleu, nice fireworks shots! Way to go.

Today, I'm packing for my trip to Florida for my 30th Class reunion! Also gonna be meeting a brand new Grandniece for the first time! I can't wait!