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A pair of desert snakes


Well-known member

I've had the kits for probably 20+ years. An ItaleriS AH-1Z kit was supplied to me in order to a review for IPMS. It was missing one of the engine air intakes.So I bought another kit to replace the missing part. I made a mold and made a new part which was intended for this kit. In the kit was also parts for the W model, which is what I inten to build now. One problem with the kit is the rotorhead. It turns in the wrong direction. The kit cockpit leaves a lot to be desired. I'm going to use a J model one from Cobra Co.
The other kit is Monograms AH-1F/S. I bought because I needed the disco light for an Apache model. I have since molded one from the Italeri kit. I'm also going to be using the particle separators and IR shields from Werner Wings.
Gary S.

The F/S cockpit was assembled years ago. The W cockpit is mostly put together. Both collective levers are missing from the kit. I'll have to make those. Gary S.

There are a few missing parts for both kits. Some of them were used on the first W model, such as the engine, transmission Ann flight control part from the S kit. So I had to improvise. In the parts stash, was a T-53 from a Huey kit my son started and never finished about 35 years or so ago. This and the upper transmission from the Z kit were installed into the S fuselage. Screening was added to both models after the plastic was thinned down. The engine particle separators were added also to the S model. When I started these models, I had forgotten how many parts were missing. The last picture is probably the scheme for the W model. Gary S.
The added details make a big difference, Gary. I can never warm up to the angular canopy of the S, the G was so clean looking. When the Cobra was new one came to a show at our guard unit and put on a display. Definitely a new generation from our CH-37's.
The added details make a big difference, Gary. I can never warm up to the angular canopy of the S, the G was so clean looking. When the Cobra was new one came to a show at our guard unit and put on a display. Definitely a new generation from our CH-37's.
I agree. The G model was the most elegant helicopter built in my opinion and I feel most honored to have had the opportunity to have been a Cobra crew chief. Plus having some flight time in the front seat. Gary S.
These are looking cool! :good:
I have often wondered what the aerodynamic reason was for moving the tail rotor from one side to the other on the Cobra.
Does the rotor spin in the opposite direction too?
Yes, the tail rotor does spin in the opposite direction giving the Cobra a different sound. It gave the pilot better yaw control especially while at a hover. My Cobra 567 suffered a tail rotor strike while the pilot was leaving the reverent and the whole tail boom had to be replaced from a Cobra from another unit that was damaged when several of it's own rockets pierced the front fuselage. Apparently one of the shackles came loose on one of the rocket pods so when the pilot fired off some rockets, they then impacted into the front side of the nose without exploding. They didn't go far enough to arm themselves. As far as I know nobody was injured. Just filled pants.

Work continues on both models.
On the Whiskey model, the chin panels are installed along with the two box's on the underside. The rt. engine air scoop is a home made part out of resin that is used to level floors. There are small gaps that are being filled with Crazy glue saturated pieces of paper then sanded to shape. The canopy is just placed on so that I would quit breaking cockpit parts.
On the F/S model, the skids are down and locked. A small piece of plastic makes up the base for the IR jammer. Both sets of stub wings are assembled. That's all for now. Gary S.

Discovering more missing parts for the S Cobra.The rear half of the front sight and one half of a inner wing pylon. A piece of the 19 shot pod fit the sight and a piece of scrap resin carved and shaped for the pylon.
The rear of the exhaust fairing was reshaped after the outer ring part was cot away.
Still debating as to how much extra detail I want to add to the inside of the canopies like I did on the first two Cobras...Gary S.


So I decided to do some detail in the cockpit. In the works are the helmet mounted sight rails. By using straight pins, bits of plastic and wire I came up with a reasonable impression. They still need to be separated and touched up. Gary S.