During our the time we spent here I thought the Convention was well organized and run. Parking was plentiful, access to the venue was right off Interstate 12-18. The Mad City Modelers members with Jeff Herne in "command" and their army of volunteers did such a fine job!
Lighting was pretty good, the contest room was spacious enough for traffic I was in. Now, that being said, we weren't there on Saturday. I imagine Saturday was a BIG day! Other Wisconasin adventures beckoned.
Raffle tickets must have numbered in the thousands, and were displayed initially in excel on a monitor. Putting them in order would have been simple, but didn't happen. Raffle tickets had to be submitted, rather than just marked off. Teresa commented to Jeff Barrette "We have to talk!"
My sweetie's raffle mojo held true. We won a Squadron gift certificate! Friday, computers for seminars were in short supply, so the raffle reverted to the tried and true white board. This was a first raffle for the team of young MCM members that ran it. They did almost pretty good.
There were escalators. Escalators make me anxious. They didn't actually chew my feet up. There was plentiful seating for old and new friends to relax and compare notes. I can't comment on judging because I didn't enter. I do not consider myself a National Convention caliber model maker.
I could see the IPMS/USA desk was busy. I waited as long as was going wait to to discuss why my email and log-in were eliminated from their website. I've been a national member for many moons, but this new administration has much to learn about who their "customer" is and how to better serve them. I would like to see "Member since (date)" on the membership card pdf we print ourselves. I would also have liked not to have been forgotten. I cain't see my way clear to renewing my IPMS/USA membership.
This may well have been my final National Convention. It was a DOOZIE!
Plastic Surgeon Joachim Lotz fared very well. First prize for his 1/35 Swedish G13 and third prize for his 1/35 Syrian E-75 super king tiger.

In other news, Busy Hands are Happy Hands and a circle of yarn crafters kept busy while the goings-on of their men were, well, going on!
Thanks for looking in!