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Plastic Surgeon's sponsored this category!
This little Honest John launcher was rehabbed from, old, built, kit parts similar to the contents of the zip-baggie! An impressive save indeed!
Hang in there! I'm almost done with my pictures!
I have never even SEEN a Hawk Models XAB-1 Atomic Powered Bomber kit. It's hard to say whether this is a 1959 original kit, or the 1964 re-release. This was a stunning build of an impossibly rare airplane model! The original kit included 2 parasite fighters.
Junior Soya model ship!
How do YOU make a 1/72 North American P-51D Mustang?
That's all the model pictures I have of the 2022 IPMS National Convention. I hope all y'all aren't too disappointed.

What did I buy?

Did Teresa win all the raffle prizes?

Sorry guys. I have to do something else with my Sunday. Mebbe later this week.
Thanks for the pics! I know a few of my NY friends went there and had a blast...seems like a good turnout.
Thanks for the pics! I know a few of my NY friends went there and had a blast...seems like a good turnout.
We had and absolute BLAST! 3 Modelers from Melbourne Australia get the "Long Distance Voyager" award from me! Their podcast is OTB
Ian gave Teresa a clip-on Koala. He gave me an Aussie candy bar. It was bonzer!
Stuff I bought:
So, you're fed up with waiting for those Chi-Com assholes at Dragon Models to release the 1/700 USS Enterprise CVN-65 1981 fit Ship Model kit they tooled 14 years ago. (I had a test shot in my hands in KC)

You have the vintage, but still very accurate Revell 1/720 CVN-65 USS Enterprise model in your stash, but thought updating the island superstructure was too big a pain in the ass. To the rescue comes my buddy Mark Tutton at Starfighter Decals! Nice, clean castings to modify "Starbase's" superstructure for an '80's vessel.
He said "I didn't do it! I wasn't even there!"
I told him "You DID do it. I PAID you to do it!" He made all my TLAR Models USCG/US Navy decals before his ALPS printer ran out of ink.
ZORN! What a World!
Having been bested by Carl Musselman in the floating drydock game, I bought one of his Back Aft ABSD-7 Los Alamos model kits!
Carl's model is ASTOUNDING! He included both the submerged and floating ABSD parts. My own 130 ton pontoon drydock pales by comparison.
Mike Gripp and Thompson Clark are the driving force behind Hobby Swap. I have been touted as the leading seller on the site. (sure.:hmm:) These 2 young whipper-snappers also are Freetime Hobbies. I violated my "No Commies for Hobbies" policy and bought the new Flyhawk 1/700 USS Zumwalt DDG-1000 from them. The discount was impossible to pass up.

The new owner of Squadron USA was also there. Brandon Lowe and I had a nice chat. His dad, Russ would come around a little later.
Brandon says about the scale model business: "It's like the old Hotel California. You can check out anytime you like, but you can NEVER leave."
Sadly the new Ellijay, Georgia location does not include the Muffler Man out front like the shop in Blue Ridge did.

The Raffle?
IPMS Fort Crook salted their raffle prizes with $500.00 worth of kits bought at cost, plus the donations. The raffle was divided into 4 ticket categories. Overall, over $10,000.00 of raffle tickets were sold during the Convention! More than TWELVE THOUSAND plus raffle tickets!!
Holy Guatamolies!!
Winning raffle tickets drawn were posted on a big screen in numerical order. A most excellent idea!

My Sweetheart got uncharacteristically skunked. Others did too. When considering the volume of raffle tickets sold, our usual purchase was like spending a dime. I would comment the manual calling out of the last raffle drawing, "The Lightning Round" was inexorably slow and tedious.
No "Lightning" in it at all.

That lucky Mark Johnson sold me 2 model ship kits he won in the raffle. More like Purchases than prizes, but still...............

I came home with over half of my Convention Cash in my pocket. I only checked a few items of my list. I moderated my model shopping.
There isn't much I really need these days.

We had a fine visit with lots of safe highway miles traveled. I saw so many friends, old and new, my face ached from laughing.
After all these years, I learned Ronnie Teubert's name is really Roland. He goes by Rob. Whoddathunkit!?
That forward sweep wing F20 in Wild Weasel markings is great, really neat idea!
Thanks Chris, sliding through them now. :popcorn
That forward sweep wing F20 in Wild Weasel markings is great, really neat idea!
Thanks Chris, sliding through them now. :popcorn
The credit for the slideshow linkie truly goes to Mile High Model Ship Club President David Waples. Our monthly club meeting was this morning.
Likewise, I pasted our thread to the Ship Model Membership.