10 June Meeting post:
At least 2 newsworthy items this meeting.

A 1/35 Panzer T-35, which will be built as a tug for some kind of large cannon. Notice the intricacy of the interior details? The shading on what may well be the invisible interior?

The newer tool Tamiya 1/35 Panzer II. This one is ausfuhrung C. The rear sprockets needed to be bigger for the the C, so this Surgeon robbed them form an old Alan kit. The link & length tracks needed to adapted to fit the new rear sprockets. Green/brown camouflage for the 2nd Panzer division, circa 1940.
Based on the skills displayed, the subject matter and the use of the appropriate green, Can you guess which Plastic Surgeon has returned, at long last, to the club meetings?
Mike Trent? Guess again!
Kevin Nelson? Nope.

Jon Bond? Nuh uh.

Nate McCoy? You're out of guesses!

None other than Generaloberst Ross (Roscoe) Petra! And was he ever a sight for sore eyes! The World seems a little brighter and more normal with my old friend at this meeting.
Then, two,

Teresa bought her first model at the same hobby shop I bought MY first model (Ironic, No?!) and she is making headway on her Ugears wooden laser cut 1/50 scale Trimaran "Merihobus". Given my Sweetie's thorough nature, I fitted her hobby knife with a brand new, sharp blade. She learned about "Modeler's Thumb" first hand on New Blade Day. Her wounds were superficial, but she did learn that hydrogen peroxide and cotton bud will take blood off her model. I replenished our stock of neosporin and band-aids in the spirit of modeling preparedness.

Nate & Ty Stevens came, along with a flock of 1/72 Airfix and Tamiya P-51D Mustangs and the Academy 1/72 KB-29P Superfortress, which I am near sure will be the Bomber version rather than the gas-passer airplane. Nate says he won't pass up the newer 1/72 Airfix Mustang because he likes the option of lowering the flaps and the attractive price. He confesses the Tamiya kit is a better build overall. Given the vastness of Nate's Mustang production line, I consider him an expert on this subject.
Jimmy and Aimee were also there along with long-time Surgeon Dave Bettis rounding out our merry band of model miscreants this evening.
Jimmy's much awarded 1/35 Trumpeter Russian 100mm AA gun and 1/72 Takom Tractor came along for the ride too!
That's all the news that's new and approved from the sultry Iowa prairie this time!
Thanks for looking in!