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2021 Plastic Surgeons Meeting posts

Ty (not so young anymore) Stevens arrived with his Dad and his Warhammer (pronounced Whore-whammer) Baneblade super heavy Tank model kit. They shur is a passel o' bullit-spitters on 'im! Wuht.
If you like to dry-brush and weather, this Brute is like a walk in Heaven's Garden for you! Ty wouldn't say what he spent on this behemoth in front of his Dad. That, and all the HUGE-O cannons!! I liked Ty's Baneblade tank model better than I like Dum-Dums.
Nathan Stevens brings samples of the builds he did this year. He comments while he had Covid, he made lots of progress in his Shop and on his model assembly line, being left the F alone for two whole weeks. Nate quips he's looking for somebody to give him Wuhan again, to get some more peace & quite.
Joe and Aimee will wait to be vaccinated before they attend an actual Surgeon's meeting. Don Barry wasn't here tonight.
Nathan filled in the empty spaces by telling us about his models for near an hour. Joe, You have competition!! The French airplanes are 1/72 Heller kits. The Mitsubishi G3M Nell is Hasegawa's. The Yak-3 and the Me-109F-2 are both Zvesda snap-tite models. They are pretty good kits. No PEE to speak of. Nathan says the Zvesda is the ONLY 1/72 Me-109F kit in 1/72 scale.
I disagree.
This is Nate's progress on the 1/72 RS Models Italian Reggiane Re-2006. Only one prototype was built in WWII. The Italians hid it from the German army in a school/pizza parlor. 70-some wire and scratch-made parts occupy the Fuselage interior. The lower wing is all kit parts. Little of these details will be visible when the model is closed up, but it's in there! Like Ragu! Nate wanted witnesses to see all this stuff! Noted!
I missed Greg, his model progress and his humor. I missed Mark Karolus and his models that I like so well. You M/A Zoomers were missed, mostly. I went two WHOLE hours without a smokie and I wore pants!!
I didn't bring any models. I brought presents. Nate got 2 of my TLAR Boat models he wished for, and the part Mark K. sent for his 1/72 Uhu/IR Maus. George got a CD of Pirate music. George gave me Esoterica 40. Road music for future adventures! We arrived home near 2200 hours, sleepy and sober. WIERD!!

I will continue to lobby for an M/A zoom meeting. In order to keep the back channels open, of course!
Thanks for looking in!!:oldguy::pilotsalute:
The ICM 1/72 Russian TB-3 Bomber kit.
I recall someone at Swanny's building that thing. Can't recall his name but he did get that thing finished.

I will continue to lobby for an M/A zoom meeting.
My life is kinda in a whirlwind right now, between closing up one house, fixing up another and in search of yet another it's kinda hard for me to think about organizing this.
Wouldn't have any issue with someone stepping up and organizing a Zoom M/A meeting
As long as it doesn't conflict with Hobby Day (second Saturday of the Month) then I'm in unless I'm working or it's too early or late.

I have one of those ICM TB-3 bombers too. Haven't tried to build it yet though....
Great to see the in-person meetings starting to happen, sure hope it continues. looks like you have a great turnout and a ton of awesome builds that's for sure!
I also have the TB-3 and I'll raise you two TB-3 Zveno's, the ones with the parasite fighters hanging all over them.
I also have the TB-3 and I'll raise you two TB-3 Zveno's, the ones with the parasite fighters hanging all over them.
Dave is working on one TB-3 wing. It's a spar/stringer assembly with the corrugated plastic panels glued individually to the structure. I mercilessly teased him about leaving a few of them loose, so they could be removed to see "The Stuff That's in There".
Can you guess his response?!
Great to see the in-person meetings starting to happen, sure hope it continues. looks like you have a great turnout and a ton of awesome builds that's for sure!
A majority of the models had been featured on our Zoom meetings, but for the guys that chose not to or cannot Zoom it was cool! Francisco brought extra masks for those without. For ourselves, we are sick to death of being told what to do by "Experts" that seem not to know squat about what they are supposedly expert about.
I also have the TB-3 and I'll raise you two TB-3 Zveno's, the ones with the parasite fighters hanging all over them.

I fold!

A majority of the models had been featured on our Zoom meetings, but for the guys that chose not to or cannot Zoom it was cool! Francisco brought extra masks for those without. For ourselves, we are sick to death of being told what to do by "Experts" that seem not to know squat about what they are supposedly expert about.

Chis, I wholeheartedly agree with this! YES!
I also have the TB-3 and I'll raise you two TB-3 Zveno's, the ones with the parasite fighters hanging all over them.
John that's what the guy at Swanny's did. I remember some scratch built brass braces for the fighters. It was the guy who always took his photos out on the deck of this house.
I don't think I knew him by that name. Googling his name doesn't turn up much modeling related other than at Swannys. Shame, the guy is talented.
Bob, I'd be willing to host a Zoom meeting, don't which day would be the best each month.
Absolutely Outstanding, Mr. Eaton, Sir! If I have no American Legion or Surgeon conflicts I will be well pleased to attend!
Bob, I'd be willing to host a Zoom meeting, don't which day would be the best each month.
Let's start with what times you would be willing to host a meeting John. I am sure there are times that you can't and other times that it would be easy peasy.
Thanks for doing that as it is a wonderful thing to be able to talk to out fellows for a bit and get to know them.
Our 15 April meeting was lightly attended. That being said, Dave Bettis did return to "The Fold" yet again!
Bob Maloy, Nathan Stevens (The original White Nate) Myself and my Sweetie attended.
Dave brought some old 1/48 Monogram armor kits that I remember very fondly from my earlier childhood. The Esci 1/72 M-48 Patton tank was also among his in-progress models! The Patton has stood the test of time nicely, I should think.
I carried my 1/700 madness along. USS Carondelet, CSS Arkansas, Corsair, the cliff, St. David's light & house and USS Constitution progress was on display.
Nate Stevens is working on chops on a '49 Ford and a '50 Mercury model cars.
I almost had Dave. He asked Nate if the Ford came that way in the kit. I supposed that it did. The Nate told the truth and ruined the joke!! BFA!!
Dave Bettis has been one of my favorite model playmates! It is good to see his builds and enjoy his sense of humor again.
I wonder if we should return to the ZOOM platform. I dunno. This panic-demic will pass. Another will arise. The decision to Live or Hide is one for every man.

Thanks for looking in!


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I myself would enjoy the ZOOMy meeting once in a while.

On a positive note it looks like my local club is going to try and do a meeting this Saturday at out local hobby shop. (we shall see how it actually goes)
I would be thrilled if you had a combined Zoom and in-person meeting of the Surgeons. It would be awesome to see everyone again and show what I've been doing too.
You know, I was never allergic to anything during my earlier childhood. I notice, since I was about 55, I my favorite season assaults my sinus and causes much misery. I took my little red stupid pill and fell asleep early, thus missing the 29 April Plastic Surgeon's club meeting.

My dear friend and Club Stalwart, Francisco, took some pictures to share and sent them for publication here!
Enjoy! IMG_2733.jpegIMG_2734.jpegIMG_2736.jpegIMG_2737.jpegIMG_2738.jpegIMG_2740.jpeg
I conjecture that these belong to Bob Bidler. Bob is the kind of a guy that buys a model kit and builds it. He professes to have no stash. (Sumpin' wrong with dat Bwah!) Bob makes nice, clean builds and so far hasn't been to any contests but our own.