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1/700 USS Potomac. FDR's floating White House.

Boats, depth charge racks, stacks you don't need, ventilators and companionway deck shelters (?) Housings (?) weather covers(?) Whatever. 2 are included in the castings.
USCGC Nemesis forward superstructures, wheel house and radar shack for the afterdeck for WWII service.
USCGC Icarus and Electra forward superstructures and wheel house.
Waterline hull and main deck.
Depending on which Thetis class 165-foot (B) cutter will be modeled, this should be enough bits to cover this subject from 1934 to 1960.
A special "Thank you!" to Mark Karolus who went above and beyond on references for the 3 US Coast Guard 165' WPC's built at Manitowoc Wisconasin.

These are the first castings of the fresh mold. I was worried about how the thin complex spray shields on the bridge would cast, but I have to admit I'm quite pleased with the results!
After I make one more hull, I can start on the USS Potomac masters. Among other details, there's a big comfy couch that runs all the way around the curve of Potomac's stern, for relaxing Presidential cruising.
In other dinky-scale news, the 1/700 Helicopters cast well too! I made the US Navy MH-53E Sea Dragón. The Chinook is not honestly my intellectual property. The two fastest Eggbeaters in the Service!

Thanks again for looking in!
Conversion to USS Potomac begins. With out an overhead line drawing, I sent the good folks that operate the ship in San Francisco an email about the teak decking on the fantail.
My buddy Mark is interested in the Manitowoc Wisconasin WPC's. The dinky decals cover all three Thetis-class cutter that were built there.
It's only a test shot kit for Mark, but I wanted to include the USCG decals .
Thanks again for looking in!
USCG Minion.jpg
Mark's "model ship Thank You" package arrived in good order. I asked about the British tramp steamer he's making. It's a modification of an ancient kit, rather than a scratch build. It looked like a good candidate for molding and casting I believe it is the 1945 Megow Tramp Steamer kit! I don't know what scale the old Lady is. The other is the old FroG Royal Navy Battle Class DD kit.
There may come a day when TLAR Models can properly appreciate key contributors like Mark in a monetary fashion, but it is not this day.

No news from USSPotomac.org about the length of the teak decking aft, so far.
Thanks again for looking in!
This arrived last weekend. I now have the reference I needed. Autographed by Captain Jaffe hisownself!
USSPotomac.org has been mum on any forth-coming details about the ship they work on everyday. I did everything but make a huge donation. Turns out this was cheaper than the donation sum I had in mind. Their loss!
Every detail I could wish for is in the book.
Based on Captain Jaffee's book, USS Potomac's teak deck is applied to the after part of the ship. Adding Franklin's generous curved couch on the fantail should be interesting!

Working from plans and reference photos to make an actual historical vessel curbs my boundless imagination.
It is still a lot of fun to Create. Shapes and shaping is all it is! :yipee:
I thought this lil' Lady deserved some attention.
USS Potomac's forward superstructure got the fitting it needed and i found the bridge deck was too narrow amidships. It fits the doubled-up lower railings now.

Both AG-25 and Wild Goose are going through the process of hull Sharpie/filling/sanding/grinding. Progress is almost impossible to see, but that's what Dork Goggles are for!
Thanks again for looking in!

1/700 CGC Icarus, WPC-110 begins her build. She had been whispering to me for quite a while.
Thanks for looking in!

USCG Minion.jpg
The Cap-Holder-O-Matic mill has been running full ahead. A double handful of the handiest and dandiest workbench tool you will ever see will be going to the Nat's in Madison WI this year.
I worked on p/e details Wednesday night. The stacks are insulation from wiring I found in a disposal in a new house.
I am also one that your work and subjects appeal to. Several of your subjects are on my list to get once I actually start making something resembling an income.

Keep these coming man!
I am also one that your work and subjects appeal to. Several of your subjects are on my list to get once I actually start making something resembling an income.

Keep these coming man!
Thanks Markie! It shall be as you say. I seem to be driven to create. There is no end in sight!
I remember what the guys a JAG Collective said once. "If we priced our resin ship models to reflect how much labor, research and material went into them, nobody would ever be able to afford them. In a recent model coup, I acquired Jag's 1/700 USS Long Beach and USS Albany CG-10. The US Navy "Red Crown" Cruiser from Vietnam. Pretty cool!!
Ice storm days are great model making days! W-110 CGC Icarus........
W-111 CGC Nemesis. "Florida's oldest U-Boat Buster"
W-187 CGC Electra, before her conversion to AG-25, USS Potomac.
This kit will make one of 3 versions of the 1934 165-foot cutter.
Depth charge tracks 20mm and .50 caliber guns, and a radar shack are included to make your WPC (B) in her WWII outfit as well.

An interesting account of this class of Cutter:
USCG Minion.jpg
Hey Kampai! Thanks for looking in! BA-NA-Na!
Masts, davits and bitts. Boats, guns and decals will finish the Manitowoc-built WPC-111, CGC Icarus.
An old resin ship builder's trick: Flow drops of Future in the gaps between decks and deckhouses to fill them.
Brushing on Flatcote covers the shiny!
Thanks for looking in again!
USCG Minion.jpg
On the "Finished" scoreboard this very evening, 1/700 USCGC Icarus, WPC (B), W 110 has been wrapped up. Blue Ridge Models 3' .23 caliber 3D printed gun is mounted on the 1932 fit. The MG's were Lewis guns. Not so different from these in this scale. Anchors and life rafts are up to YOU!
I really want to build a WWII CGC Nemesis, (3" .50 Mk.2 guns, 20mm's, radar shack and depth charge racks) but this will do for initial TLAR kit #522 box art. I don't like to start molding and casting new model ship masters without finishing up the completed castings.
I am not very good at pacing myself.

MV Wild Goose and USS Potomac Masters are still underway. The YMS-1 Mold continues to produce tidy minesweepers.
Anyway, Thanks again for looking in, Bob!