Hi Tom ,
Get the Great Wall set . Once you use them you will not want any others . They give you a few diff versions too , I wish they had more earlies only two , but they are very nice. They include PE centers and PE pieces for real working caps for every can. Remember they also include plastic closed caps too for every can , so you don't have to go crazy either. They also have a 5 pk in one piece for those big can racks for your ease . There's quite a few also so they last awhile. I hope they continue and make sets of diff countries and versions I really like them. As some here have stated if your not fussy the old Italeri cans are not bad at all and you can always make the center welds yourself. The old Tamiya cans two handles are garbage . The new Tamiya cans are very nice but no center welds either, Tamiya also makes a new set of Early types very nice but no center welds either also has a few extra bits and bobs included a nice small jack for a big truck or Pz II or 38t type tank or armoured car.Aber makes in inserts for the newer Tamiya cans but that boosts the price ends up cheaper getting the GW cans. The Newer Dragon ones are very nice too but I believe only avail in vehicle kits not by themselves.i haven't actually seen the Bronco cans but they seem to be offering many versions and countries. The Tasca cans are very nice maybe the best but expensive . There are some nice resin cans too but why pay more unless you need a certain type. I think Bronco just did a British set with lots of extras too. Someone makes Hungarian cans I think Bronco not sure . Someone makes Italian types too not sure but I will be looking for plastic Italian ones soon for a Sarhiana car kit. I like Early cans too and Tasca makes a nice set. As I said the Tasca cans both early and late and prob best American cans are very nice but cost more. So if you just want basic German cans the GW set is best for your Buck. Well that's my two cents hope it helps.