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1/32 Me 163

Up at 0 Dark 30 this morning and figured I should do some more while I had the chance. Got tail almost all together. Some external panels and fillets. It is possible to attach the retracted uncovered tail wheel on after assembly so I left it off for ease of painting. Started the engine. Man oh man it is full of tiny parts and small joins. Very trying for me personally. I stopped when my hand was too numb to hold anything any more. I'll bet it would look awesome in the hands of a talented modeler.






So thats were I am so far.

Bit done today. Got some painting done. Now its packed away to go to a model meeting tonight. I didnt do a lot on the interior because it will all be buttoned up on this one. The cockpit side of the rear windows is just primed in RLM 02./ Will paint RLM 66 later.




Well up again at an ungodly hour and this is were I am now. Tail just pressed on, not glued yet. Have some filling and cleaning to do before I carry on. Now that I see how this goes together my second one should be better. Really really like this kit.




Thanks Chuck. I can only imagine what it would look like in your hands though. I think you should do one :evil: :D
Thanks guys. I am enjoying this kit. If anyone else is building in step 13 panel A3 has to go in before you glue the fuse together. I didnt and it wont go in after the fact. Panel A2 will go in afterwards though. The ammo chute is kind of wiggly and I thought maybe I did something wrong, but it gets trapped by the fuselage halves and becomes a nice steady fit. Make sure you line up the "wheel" well or it can become offset. I didnt and had to trim it some afterwards. Thats was okay because I was putting the skid on in the retracted position. If you buy the Master barrel and pitot tube be aware the Mk 108 barrels would need a blat tube made for them anyways, so I didnt install them. The kit barrels look okay. The only thing that confuses me is the blast tube is angled outboard (_|) while I would think it should be angled inboard (|_). I have to look at more pictures. I tried swapping the guns around, but they wont fit that way. From what I have read the Pitot tube is a late model style from Master. I dont know what the difference is though. A big thing for me at least is take you time and align everything the best you can. If not the fuse halves dont fit well.
Just realised I haven't checked-in-on this build at all, James.... My bad !!

Cracking-on with this build very nicely. Looks sharp.

Great work on this little gem. Although in 1/32 it's not that little.

This thread gives me a new appreciation of the yarbles it would take to strap yourself into something like that.